Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1555 A meeting gift from my son

Chapter 1555 A meeting gift from my son

Seeing her husband's careful look, Li Yanhong couldn't help laughing, and laughed at him for the first time.

Zhou Zisong glanced at his wife, but at this moment, Xiaofeng smiled at his father.

Zhou Zisong's attention was immediately attracted by the child: "Yanhong, look, my daughter looked at me and smiled."

He smiled happily, the child's smile was so contagious and sweet.

"Well, I laughed."

Li Yanhong looked at him insanely, it turned out that her husband could smile, and he looked so pretty when he smiled, as if an iceberg had melted, making her eyes shine.

Xiaolong was full, and finally it was Xiaofeng's turn. Zhou Zisong sent the girl to his wife like holding a treasure, and then took Xiaolong from her hand.

Seeing how kind he was to the child, Li Yanhong felt sweet in her heart. Before, he refused to let her have a child, but she did not expect to have a child. He liked it more than herself.

Zhou Zisong naturally felt her gaze, a dark light flashed in his deep cold eyes, he raised his head to look at his wife, she has gained weight, her skin is better, and she looks better than when she was thinner.

Li Yanhong didn't dare to raise her head anymore, she hurriedly nursed her daughter in her arms, and after the baby finished eating, she happily waved her chubby hand.

"I changed Xiaolong's diaper."

Zhou Zisong's voice was hoarse and very magnetic, and it was pleasant to Li Yanhong's ears.Usually he is cold and cold, without saying a word, and the words he speaks are like ice cubes.


Li Yanhong lowered her head and agreed, Zhou Zisong's eyes were attracted again because of the action of lowering her head, but he immediately restrained himself from looking away, and skillfully changed his son's diaper.

Li Yanhong looked down at her daughter, feeling very proud to be able to give birth to a pair of twins for Zisong.

When Zhou Zisong was changing his son's diaper, he was obviously absent-minded. The diaper bag was not in the right place, and the diaper fell off as soon as the child kicked his legs.

But this little thing just had a full meal, and when the urge to urinate came, he ignored it and just urinated.

Zhou Zisong turned back frequently to see his wife feeding his daughter, but he didn't notice his son's abnormal behavior, and then felt his hands were wet. When he turned his head, the little guy happily urinated on his father's face.


Li Yanhong saw it, and laughed. Is this gift from my son too big?

Zhou Zisong looked at his daughter-in-law in embarrassment, and his son peed all over his face. Is she so happy to see it?

"I'm going to wash my face."

Zhou Zisong opened the door and ran out in embarrassment. When he went downstairs, he ran into Zixu and Lu Sihui who were talking and laughing.

"Brother, what did you do to your face?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't help asking after seeing his elder brother's water-stained face. The first thing he thought of was that his sister-in-law and elder brother were angry, and then raised water all over his face, but with her character, would she dare to do this?


Zhou Zisong walked downstairs with a cold face, his steps hurried, as if he was running away.

Zhou Zixu became even more skeptical, and looked at Sihui who was on the side: "Go and ask, is it because elder brother and sister-in-law fought? We saw it, we can't pretend nothing happened."

Lu Sihui also felt that it made sense, and asked Zixu to go back to the room first, and she went to Li Yanhong's room by herself.

"Sister-in-law, did you quarrel with your elder brother?"

When I entered the door, I saw Li Yanhong feeding the baby, and then there was Xiaolong on the bed, and he was having fun playing with his arms and legs.

She asked in a low voice, otherwise it would be embarrassing for the elder brother to hear it.

The smile on Li Yanhong's mouth has not disappeared yet!Zisong and her son have contracted her to laugh for a year.

Hearing Sihui's question, she couldn't help laughing out loud, pouted, and let Sihui look at Xiaolong.

"Wetting the bed?"

Lu Sihui took a look and saw that the bed sheet was wet, she went over with a smile and planned to help him change the diaper.

"Guess again?"

(End of this chapter)

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