Chapter 1556
Li Yanhong smiled and asked Lu Sihui to guess, her eyes were mischievous, this was something she had never seen before, at least it was the first time Lu Sihui saw it, she was usually gentle and virtuous.

"Could it be that the big brother's face was made by Xiaolong?"

Lu Sihui's eyes widened in shock. The elder brother's personality must make him feel very aggrieved. Xiaolong is mighty, and he has given his father a bad blow.

"Well, haha, my son is quite strong."

Li Yanhong couldn't help laughing when she thought of the scene just now.

"You're still laughing! When I saw my eldest brother go downstairs, his face turned black."

Lu Sihui also thought it was funny, but she still kindly reminded Li Yanhong, don't laugh too obviously, the elder brother will be angry if he sees it.

"Ok, I know."

Li Yanhong managed to hold back her laughter, her face was flushed like a big ripe apple.

"Yes, I'll wrap it up and take it to the nursery."

Lu Sihui picked up the little dragon who just caused trouble, and kissed him on the cheek. The cold-faced Yan Wang who no one dared to offend was taken care of by his son. The stationmates of the Jagged Brigade knew this news, would they believe it?

He carried Xiaolong downstairs, sent him to the baby room, and looked at his own baby. Both sons were sleeping soundly.

She touched the child's cheek: "Son, Mom will avenge you, and won't make her feel better."

She whispered to her son, that Wu Shuqin should be out of shape, right?

However, this is not the end, she still has to deal with her, let her taste what life is worse than death.

After staying in the nursery for a while, Li Yanhong finished feeding her daughter and brought her back with her arms.
"Little Tiger, Little Leopard seems to be recovering well!"

Li Yanhong put her daughter back in the crib, and ran to see Lu Sihui's two sons.

"Yes, it's not bad. I don't think there's much to eat."

A chill flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes, it wasn't that she had a space capsule, how much suffering would the two sons have to suffer?
"Let's go, we're all asleep."

Li Yanhong pulled Lu Sihui out, not wanting her to think about that incident again.

If you get angry, you can't do it. Anyway, people have already been arrested, and they are waiting to be punished!
One thing is certain, even if she is not a bad person, the unit will punish her heavily.

The father-in-law is a high-ranking official, and this child is the grandson of a high-ranking official. She dared to murder her, she was so daring.


Lu Sihui snorted lightly, she has her own way of punishment, Wu Shuqin will not be able to think about it in the rest of her life.

When he went upstairs, he met Zhou Zisong who had just taken a shower and his hair was still dripping with water. When he saw his brother and his wife, a look of uneasiness flashed in his eyes.

Lu Sihui pretended not to know about the embarrassing things that happened to her elder brother, and went upstairs first.

Li Yanhong was waiting for Zhou Zisong, when she suddenly remembered that she had to change the bed sheet and quilt, the quilt was wet with urine.

"You go upstairs first, I'll go find Aunt Su."

Li Yanhong explained and went to Aunt Su's room.

Zhou Zisong kept his face down, his original good mood was mostly gone now, brat, now you are young, when you grow up, I have to clean you up.

He secretly decided in his heart, thinking about it this way made him feel better.

Lu Sihui entered her room first, and saw Zhou Zixu wearing only a singlet and shorts, leaning on the head of the bed in a charming posture.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Sihui glared at him, fortunately she closed the door in time, otherwise what would the eldest brother think if he saw it?
"Wait for my wife!"

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, and raised his arms towards Sihui, revealing his muscular muscles.

Not only women's bodies are attractive, but also men's.

He felt that Sihui had always had no resistance to his body.


Sure enough, when Lu Sihui wanted to blame, she choked as she swallowed.

Zhou Zixu moved into the couch, patted the place where he was lying just now: "Come here. Sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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