Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1559 Not in a hurry

Chapter 1559 Don't be in a hurry

Li Yanhong ran all the way downstairs, seeing her grandfather and father-in-law sitting on the sofa downstairs, secretly thankful that she was not with Zisong crazy.

"Are you all up?"

Lao Tzu Zhou is in a hurry!I woke up at four o'clock in the morning. Today is the full moon wine for the four babies, and there are quite a few people here.

They all gathered at Zhou's house and went to the restaurant in the city together. They were in a hurry, Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong wouldn't get up here, and grandpas couldn't knock on the door, right?

"Zixu and Sihui haven't gotten up yet."

Li Yanhong answered in embarrassment, why did she feel like she was suing Zixu and Sihui?
Zhou Zisong walked down the stairs with a cold face, glanced at his daughter-in-law, saw that she ran away again, his eyes flickered, it was still night!There is no rush.

Aunt Su is very busy. She has to take care of the four babies in the morning, and she is also busy cooking. In the past, the work of two people is now her alone.

Lu Jianguo has gone to school and won't be back until noon, otherwise he can help with some work.


Zhou Zixu was full, and walked down the stairs with a spring breeze on his face. He walked briskly and jumped downstairs. Seeing this appearance, Zhou Baichuan frowned suddenly, why is he still not an adult?

The father of three children has passed away, and he has not yet walked steadily.

"Good morning, grandpa, good morning, father."

Zhou Zixu's smile was sunny and his voice was clear and joyful.

"Stinky boy, today is your son's full moon day, why did you get up?"

Grandpa Zhou frowned and reprimanded his grandson, didn't he know how busy he was?

With a twinkle on his face, Zhou Zixu walked over to salute his grandfather, and then boasted about himself.

"Grandpa, it's rare to sleep late. My son is full moon. How can he be a father without energy? You see, I am refreshed, energetic and imposing."

"Stop it, no one listens to your narcissism."

Mr. Zhou stroked his arms with both hands, and his grandson said he was covered in goose bumps. He was too narcissistic, too smug, and too self-righteous.

Even though he has endured it for almost 30 years, he still finds it unbearable.

"I'm going to breastfeed the baby."

Li Yanhong whispered to Zhou Zisong, the whole family pointed at Aunt Su, it was not the case.

"Morning, grandpa, morning, dad."

Lu Sihui came late, she wanted to clean herself up, Zixu was too crazy, there were scars all over her neck, she had to go into the space capsule to remove the traces.


Mr. Zhou is happy to see Sihui, this is the hero of the Zhou family.

Seeing his daughter-in-law coming down, Zhou Zixu raised his sword eyebrows, and with his evil peachy eyes, he fired at her daughter-in-law frequently.

"I'm going to breastfeed the baby."

Lu Sihui chose to ignore his discharge, with an indifferent expression, as if the person who was passionate last night was not her.

Zhou Zixu shrugged his shoulders, his daughter-in-law is like this, she is so passionate on the couch, she doesn't recognize anyone when she stays on the couch.

He has to get used to it even if he is not used to it.

Lu Sihui went directly to the baby's room, and saw that the two babies were already sleeping, she was taken aback for a moment, just looking at her watch, she realized that she forgot to feed the baby.

"Aunt Su is feeding milk powder." Li Yanhong was feeding the twins, and when she saw Sihui coming in, she told her with a smile.

Because she was also enthusiastic and unrestrained last night, she also had a happy face and a gentle smile.

"I'm going to help Aunt Su cook."

Lu Sihui blushed slightly, Aunt Su must have gone upstairs, and at that time she and Zixu were forgetting about Beng Chacha, she was embarrassed to go downstairs to feed the baby.

Not daring to look at her sister-in-law's narrow eyes, she turned and fled out of the nursery.

"Sihui, you're here, I'm so busy."

(End of this chapter)

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