Chapter 1560
Aunt Su was busy with her hands and feet in the kitchen, her head was sweating, she was so tired, and there were still a pile of diapers in the laundry room!

"Aunt Su, I will do the cooking in the future, and I will try my best to take care of the children myself. Our family will no longer hire people. It's too scary."

Lu Sihui glanced at Aunt Su, her face was pale and her head was sweating from exhaustion.

When the full moon is over, I will take care of my own children.

"This is too, it's terrible, who can see that she is such a person."

Aunt Su was stunned for a moment, then she lowered her head in shame, she felt that she still defended such a person, she was really sorry for Sihui.

"Aunt Su is sorry for you, but she even helped her speak."

"It's because she's too good at disguising. You go and rest for a while, and I'll do it."

Lu Sihui said lightly, she doesn't know how to comfort others, but she doesn't want to face Aunt Su's self-blame, it's normal for an old man to be confused.

She cooks quickly. The existing Chinese cabbage is stewed with potatoes. Zixu likes to eat vermicelli. She puts a bunch of it, stews vegetables on the bottom, and steams egg sauce on top. This thing is relatively simple.

Put oil and miso in a small pot, beat a few eggs, then put chopped chili, and pour some warm water.

In addition, there are still a lot of steamed buns left by Aunt Su yesterday, so just heat them on the curtain.

There are many people in the family, and this meal is not enough. There are dried noodles in the cupboard. After the meal is ready, I will cook some noodles. There is even soup and rice.

After tidying up, she went to cut some mustard greens, put some shredded green onion on it, then poured some soy sauce, chili oil, sesame oil, monosodium glutamate, and small pickles.

Aunt Su came back to help after washing the diapers, and it turned out that Sihui had already made them.

Feeling: "Sihui, after all, you are young, and you got it done so quickly."

"It's nothing, Aunt Su, I'm going to see the child."

Lu Sihui washed her hands and walked out of the kitchen. Seeing her sister-in-law Li Yanhong busy cleaning up and mopping the floor, she thought of going with herself and helping Aunt Su share the housework.

Zhou Zixu was dragged into the study by his grandfather to write the names of the four babies. Zhou Zisong stood aside and watched.

Looking at his younger brother with admiration, although Zixu is usually rebellious and cynical, when writing calligraphy, he really has the demeanor of a general,

Concentrating and holding his breath, with a solemn face and focused eyes, it seems that no one around him exists, and he is the only one left in the world.

First, I looked at the red paper in silence for a while, and then I wrote, and the pen went to the edge of the sword, in one go, floating like floating clouds, and the calligraphy that looked like a dragon leaped onto the paper.

"Okay, Zixu's brush calligraphy has made great progress, and it is even more flamboyant than before."

Mr. Zhou applauded his grandson excitedly when he finished his pen.

Why do you like your grandson so much?
Not just because he can make himself happy, he is eclectic, and his arrogant and domineering personality is very similar to when he was young.

What's more, this guy is all-rounder in civil and military affairs, he is so good in everything he does, he is a dragon and a phoenix among people.

Even when I was young, I couldn't compare to him. I wrote this calligraphy like an earthworm crawling.


"Grandpa, it's time to eat."

There was a knock on the door from Lu Sihui, there are many things to do today, eat early, so that there will be no confusion when the guests come later.

"Okay. Let's go eat."

Old man Zhou dragged Zixu out, while Zhou Zisong and Zhou Baichuan were ignored by the eccentric old man.

Zhou Zisong was already used to it. With his younger brother around, his grandfather didn't see him, and he still followed behind with a sullen face.

Zhou Baichuan looked at the calligraphy twice more, but didn't say anything, he also admired his youngest son in his heart.

"Sihui, you cooked all the meals, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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