Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1564 A Cultured Female Nympho

Chapter 1564 A Cultured Female Nympho

Lan Qiuyue was very flustered, just now her mother took care of everything, so don't push her too hard, right?
"Mom, don't worry, my eldest brother and I will behave well, and I will help my eldest brother to send their children to college together, so go and take on your responsibilities! We owe the leaders of Zhou University."

Lan Qiuyue hastily moved her elder brother out. Her mother cared most about her and her elder brother in her life, and then her grandson. She said this to make her mother think of the family relationship. Knowing that she could help her grandson, she accepted it.

When Wu Shuqin heard her daughter's words, she stopped crying dully, fell to the ground, and wept with a wry smile.

Last night, when her willpower was weakest, she thought of her daughter treating her like that, so she told the truth to the leader.

It has already been signed and pledged, so it is useless for her to change it now.

The daughter's performance can only make her feel more sad.

"Qiuyue, stop talking, it's too late."

She got up from the ground and walked towards the toilet with difficulty, the retribution came so quickly.

"Come on."

The two guards who escorted her felt very funny when they saw Lan Qiuyue's disgusting performance, and they would induce a confession, play the sympathy card, and talk about things with the grandson her mother cared most about.

With this brain used in the right way, she can become a pillar of the country, but she used it in crooked ways.

Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise when she stepped into society and fell in love with a man, she would go to harm the child.

No matter what position you fall in love with, you can also harm people, and it is scary to think about it.

Lan Qiuyue was pushed forward, feeling terrified, what did Mom mean by the last words?
Didn't she just say that she was angry and drugged herself?As long as she insists like this, the leader can't do anything to her?
When passing by the next detention room, she heard a roar from inside: "Lan Qiuyue, I was killed by you, you evil spirit, why don't you die sooner."

这 是
Big brother's voice, why was he also arrested?
Lan Qiuyue seemed to understand, why?Mom gave herself up in the end.

It's all to protect the elder brother. If there are suspicions of bad elements, the life of the elder brother will be difficult in the future, and the younger nephew will affect the future.

However, venting their personal anger and wanting to get Zhou Zixu, all these things are said, but the two of them are in jail, the elder brother is innocent, and the nephew will not be implicated.

Tears were falling, and at the critical moment, Mom was still thinking about her eldest brother and little nephew.

Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui were waiting in the office, especially Zhou Zixu hated Lan Qiuyue, a cultured female nympho, it was terrible.

Lu Sihui's face was gloomy, her hands were behind her back, and there was a cruel sneer on the corner of her mouth.

Harm her son, covet her husband, this kind of woman, she will not be from the last days if she will forgive her lightly.

"Calm down, all."

Zhou Baichuan threw down a sentence and left, he couldn't stay here, because he was so angry that he wanted to kill Lan Qiuyue.

"Go in."

The guard pushed Lan Qiuyue into the room, and she raised her head in panic. When she saw Zhou Zixu, she froze for a moment, then she reacted, and cried and pulled him: "It has nothing to do with me, it's my mother talking nonsense, she"


I haven't even reached Zhou Zixu yet!He grabbed his finger and broke it with a scream. She felt that her finger was broken, and she looked at Zhou Zixu in disbelief.

This man with such a charming smile would be so ruthless, without the slightest bit of pity.

"Look in the mirror, all the women in the world are dead, and I don't like women like you."

Zhou Zixu threw her in front of the mirror. Looking at her, he felt like throwing up. This kind of woman is a piece of rat shit, disgusting.

Lu Sihui approached Lan Qiuyue with a sneer, "Dare to attack my son?"

(End of this chapter)

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