Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1565 She is obsessed

Chapter 1565 She is obsessed
Lan Qiuyue looked at herself in the mirror with a pale face, just for one night, she looked like a female ghost, with a pale face, disheveled hair, frightened eyes, black and blue eye circles.

In the mirror, she saw Lu Sihui behind her, the first time she saw this woman today.

Where is she unfeminine?Where is the tomboy?

She looks like a flower and jade, with exquisite facial features, black and bright eyes, the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, and her eyes are flowing, charming. If it weren't for the cold and murderous look, she would look more beautiful than a star.

The comparison between the two in the mirror, she is a fairy on the fairyland, and she is a female ghost in hell, this comparison made her despair.

Why bother to get yourself and mom into the fence?

Even if the woman is dead and all the children are dead, Zhou Zixu still can't think of himself?

Is she obsessed with ghosts?How did you decide that Zhou Zixu's daughter-in-law is an ugly monster?
Seeing the way Lu Sihui looked at her, Lan Qiuyue was terrified, full of murderous intent, she didn't want to die yet, she was still young.

What does this seemingly delicate woman want to do?
Frightened, she turned around and looked at Lu Sihui, her eyes were like a sharp knife flashing with coldness, the huge sense of oppression made her have no doubt that Lu Sihui was going to eat herself alive.

Lan Qiuyue had never felt so scared before. Lan Qiuyue started to tremble. She wanted to back up nervously, but there was a table behind her, and she had no way to go back.

"It's nothing to do with me, really, my mother did it, I don't know."

With a gloomy face, Lu Sihui stepped forward to remove her chin under Lan Qiuyue's frightened eyes.

Lan Qiuyue was terrified, she didn't know what Lu Sihui wanted to do to her?

Tears fell down, and she begged Lu Sihui for mercy with her eyes.

But in the next second, she knew what life was better than death. Lu Sihui touched the pain points all over her body. It was very painful, and it would make her die from pain, but on the surface, there was no injury at all.

Zhou Zixu stood aside and watched with his hands behind his back, his twinkling peach eyes were frozen with ice at this moment, preventing Sihui from venting his anger, she was not in the mood to do anything.

I, too, hated the culprit who killed his son under the pretext of loving him.

Lan Qiuyue twisted on the ground like a cooked prawn, she looked at Zhou Zixu begging for help, it was too painful, this kind of torture made her want to die.

But she couldn't move, the bones all over her body seemed to be torn off, every inch of skin, every body cell hurt so much that she would rather die than live.

Tears fell down in big drops and merged with sweat all over her head, making her look like she was drenched by rain.

Lu Sihui watched her wriggling like a cicada chrysalis on the ground with a cold face. Only by seeing her suffer with her own eyes could she relieve the anger in her heart.

"From the moment you thought of harming my son, you are doomed to have a hard time in your life."

Lu Sihui squatted down, looked at Lan Qiuyue in great pain and said with a sneer.

There was no trace of human warmth in her eyes, only a chill that was colder than Hanchuan.

Lan Qiuyue stared at her fixedly, because she was so frightened that she even forgot the pain.

At this moment, she felt that the beautiful woman in front of her was the incarnation of a devil who was going to torture her to death, making her in agony.

She was afraid of her, regretted provoking her, and even hated why her mother went to Zhou's house to be a nanny.

She didn't know anyone in the Zhou family, and she didn't see Zhou Zixu, how happy her life must be.

Now she felt that she was not well, and death was the best relief.

(End of this chapter)

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