Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1566 Today is a big day

Chapter 1566 Today is a big day

"Sihui, go home! Today is my son's full moon wine, just vent your anger."

Zhou Zixu came over to hold his daughter-in-law, and looked at Lan Qiuyue on the ground with no sympathy.

Death is not a pity, if he was not afraid that he would not be able to accompany his wife in the future, he would have killed her long ago.

"Okay, you can see clearly, this man is mine, I will not die, he will never love others in his life, even if he loves, it is useless, I will remove obstacles."

Lu Sihui looked at Lan Qiuyue with a sneer, her words were very domineering.

Lan Qiuyue lay on the ground gasping for breath, like a fish out of water, looking at the arrogant Lu Sihui, she knew that she had offended a woman she shouldn't have.

With this woman around, Zhou Zixu would never like others.

Because he looked at her with pampering and indulgent eyes, as if he was very willing to listen to her words.

She lowered her head dejectedly, she lost, lost completely, lost her whole life.

After Lu Sihui tidied up Lan Qiuyue, the unhappiness in her heart became better. Zhou Zixu followed her with a smile, as if he had picked up a treasure.

"why are you laughing?"

She stopped abruptly and looked at Zhou Zixu coldly. It was all because of him that he caused her son to suffer, and she still had a smile on her face.

"Sihui, when you said that I was your man, I was mighty and domineering enough. I liked it. I will leave all obstacles to you in the future. I will clean them up and step on them to death."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law in dismay, with a proud face, and Lu Sihui glared at him angrily.

When he turned around, the corners of his mouth were raised in joy.

As soon as I got home, I saw several jeeps parked at the door, and Zhao Jinchen and No. [-], who were pushing bicycles, were smiling at them.

Zhao Yaozu and his daughter-in-law Zhou Guifang also came, today is a big day, Zhou Guifang and Zhao Yaozu are considered to be half of Sihui's natal family, of course they have to come to congratulate.

"Uncle and aunt, Jin Chen, you are here."

Zhou Zixu greeted him with a smile. He was in a good mood, and the smile on his face was brighter than the sun.

"Number one."

Lu Sihui went over to pat No. [-] on the shoulder. She didn't expect her to come too, and she was very happy to see her.

"Other comrades, let me bring you a treat. These two little sweaters were knitted by Huang Yaomei for the children. She said that she is going to be the godmother of the twins!"

No. [-] handed the little sweater to Lu Sihui. It was freezing cold, her eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with hoarfrost, and the scarf around her face was also a plate of white frost.

It was really cold on this day, and the breath turned into ice, but for the well-trained iron-blooded team members, it was still within the bearable range!
"Thank you, let's go inside!"

Lu Sihui took two small sky blue sweaters, and Huang Yaomei also had a heart. The patterns on the small pockets of the two sweaters were different, one was a duckling, the other was a bunny.

Pulling No. [-] into the house, as for Zhao Jinchen, Zhou Zixu would naturally entertain him, so she didn't bother.

"Auntie, Uncle."

When passing by Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang, Lu Sihui pulled down her scarf and greeted them with a smile.

"Sihui, congratulations, your aunt is still talking about two big fat boys when she comes home! I have to take a good look at it today, so that I can hug my grandson if I am happy."

Zhao Yaozu laughed loudly, Sihui and Zixu didn't treat him as an outsider at all, and they didn't put on airs, which made him very relieved.

After he finished speaking, No. [-] lowered his head in embarrassment. He and Jin Chen have been married for several months. I don't know what happened, but there is no movement in the stomach?

(End of this chapter)

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