Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1569 Serious Little Adult

Chapter 1569 Serious Little Adult
Feeling unhappy, he walked over to push Wang Mingyuan away, stood directly between the two of them, held his sister's hand and shouted.


"Brother Dongsheng, your brother and sister are crying."

Seeing Dongsheng, Yuyan smiled happily. At this time, the twins were woken up and cried unhappily. She hurriedly dragged Dongsheng to see Zhou Shiyan and Zhou Hongxuan.

Xiao Mingyuan smiled when he was facing Swift, but when he saw Dongsheng he straightened his face again, like a serious little adult.

"I'm going to call mom."

Dongsheng saw his younger siblings crying, he was a little at a loss, patted this one, coaxed that one, but no one listened to him, they were still crying.

In a hurry, he ran out, but was stopped by Wang Mingyuan: "The three of us, coax the two of them."

His meaning is very clear, there are many guests outside, how difficult is it to coax the children?Do you need to find an adult?
Dongsheng glared at him, ignored him, opened the door and ran out.

"Ouch, brother don't cry, sister don't cry, sister stay with you."

Little Swift coaxed the twins in a decent manner, and the coldness in Wang Mingyuan's eyes disappeared, and he returned to the innocence that a child of his age should have.

Running over to help Swift coax the baby, the rattle was shaking back and forth in his hands, not to mention, the twins' attention was attracted, and the crying really stopped.

"Brother Mingyuan is awesome."

Little Swift looked at Wang Mingyuan adoringly, and applauded happily with her two little hands. The little girl felt that with Brother Mingyuan around, any problem could be solved.

Xiao Mingyuan looked at Little Swift arrogantly, full of pride in his admiration for her.

Dongsheng dragged his mother into the nursery, just in time to hear his younger sister complimenting Wang Mingyuan, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, looking at his younger sister listlessly, why didn't he see his younger sister looking at him like this?

"Pee, just change into a diaper."

Li Yanhong didn't notice anything strange about her son, so she went over to rub Mingyuan's little head with a smile, this kid has a way and knows how to tease the baby.

Seeing his mother belittle Wang Mingyuan, Dongsheng became even more jealous, and his lips were so pouty that he could hang his oil bottle.

"Yanhong, get ready, pack the child tightly, I'm going to the restaurant soon."

Zhou Zisong walked into the house and saw his wife changing the diapers of his son and daughter, so he gave some instructions and turned to go out again.

In the living room, Wu Xiaoqiang's father, Vice Captain Wu, was pulling Zhou Zixu to talk. He actually wanted to pay for his credit, so that people would know about his good deeds, right?

These words, I want to tell Zhou Zisong, after all, he is his immediate boss, but Zhou Zisong has been busy, so he dragged Zhou Zixu to chat.

"A few days ago, about half a month ago, I sent your cousin to the city. It's dangerous to watch a girl leave home at night."

Vice-captain Wu's two sentences turned to the matter of sending Lan Qiuyue off. After he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Zixu, thinking how could he get a word of gratitude, and then he said what he should. Isn't this the leader's visit to relatives?

Who knows that Zhou Zixu was a little confused when he heard this: "My cousin? Is she the daughter of my aunt's family?"

He remembered that the daughter of his aunt's family was going to college in city B, so how could it be possible for Vice Team Wu to send her to the city?She seems to come back before Chinese New Year!This time the child will not be able to come at the full moon.

"No! She said she was your aunt's daughter. What's her last name? Look at my head."

Vice-captain Wu felt something was wrong!Looking at Zhou Zixu's appearance, it seems that such a person never came to the family?

He tapped on his temples, thinking about what the girl had said: "She said her surname is Lan, and she is studying in college! I grew up with your childhood sweetheart, and said that when I was a child, there was a joke between adults, for you two."

(End of this chapter)

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