Chapter 1570 Flattering
Vice-captain Wu caught a glimpse of Lu Sihui approaching, and he swallowed back the words that followed.

There was a lot of talk at the time. The girl said that she had been engaged to Zhou Zixu when she was a child, but when she grew up, Zhou Zixu married someone else, and she still felt very sad!
At that time, I also comforted her, saying that college students don't want it, but a rural girl, Zhou Zixu was stupid.

Because his daughter-in-law had been dealt with twice by Lu Sihui, he didn't like Lu Sihui, and he followed whatever the girl said.

"Lan Qiuyue?"

Zhou Zixu didn't realize it until he heard the name, and asked Deputy Captain Wu with a sneer.

"Yes, that's the name. She goes to college in the city."

Vice-captain Wu glanced at Lu Sihui secretly again, seeing her cold face, he turned into a smile when he said the rest, and stopped talking.

"Deputy Captain Wu, thank you for sending her away! I forgot to tell you, she is the murderer of my son, and she is currently locked up in the unit! Also, she is not Aunt Zixu's girl at all, but the nanny Wu Shuqin's daughter."

Lu Sihui looked at him with a sneer, and told the truth. Seeing the smile on Vice Captain Wu's face turned into embarrassment, she turned indifferently and went to entertain No. [-] and her aunt.

"Huh? How do you say this? I don't know that she can also impersonate?"

Vice-captain Wu explained to Zhou Zixu in embarrassment that the flattery was not the right one, but the horse's leg instead.

"Deputy Captain Wu, I've never had a childhood sweetheart, so I can't talk nonsense, or my wife will screw my ears."

Zhou Zixu said something to him with a half-smile, and turned to look for Jin Chen.

He didn't like Vice-Captain Wu, but luckily he wasn't his subordinate, otherwise he would have to be dealt with, and he would be too lazy to exchange pleasantries and waste his saliva.

The full moon wine was held at the restaurant of Lao Mu, an old comrade-in-arms. Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen were very familiar with him.

Lao Mu got busy early in the morning, in order to surprise his old station friends.

When Zhou Zixu arrived at Laomu Restaurant, he was very happy to see the colorful garlands in the restaurant.

Lao Mu has already prepared the food, eight dishes, full portion, good color and aroma.

Zhou Zixu pasted the big red paper with four children on the front wall of the hotel, and you can see it when you enter the door.

After appreciating himself for a while, he thought that the brush calligraphy was the pinnacle, anyway, he was proud of it.

"Thank you for coming to my four grandchildren's full moon wine, bo wine and vegetarian dishes. I hope everyone will not be disgusted."

Zhou Baichuan raised his wine glass to thank his relatives and friends who came to participate in the full moon wine.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu were each holding a baby, and Li Yanhong was holding the twins, Zisong. After seeing what Zixu did, she thought of going to help.

The picture of two couples standing in front with four fat children in their arms is simply too happy.

"Wen Qian, you and Jin Chen need one too! While Mom is young, I can help you both."

Zhou Guifang was very envious, and lowered her voice to persuade her daughter-in-law.

In her heart, she thought that the daughter-in-law wanted to develop in the work unit, so she didn't want children.

"Uh, good."

Ye Wenqian was always envious of Sihui, but her mother-in-law and father-in-law changed ways to give birth to her, and she looked very embarrassed.

Under the dining table, a pair of big hands held her hand, looking over, her husband Zhao Jinchen was looking at him comfortingly.

Forcedly smiling at him, she found an excuse to stand up: "I'll help Sihui hold the baby."

"Mom, don't keep mentioning children to Wen Qian in the future."

Seeing his daughter-in-law left, Zhao Jinchen asked his mother in a low voice.

"You too, look at Zixu, he has already had three children, and you don't even have one, Jin Chen, tell mom, you didn't touch Wenqian, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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