Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1571 Is it that outrageous

Chapter 1571 Is it that outrageous
Zhao Jinchen just took a sip of tea, when he heard his mother's words, he coughed violently.

Zhou Guifang looked at her son innocently, is this topic so outrageous?Is the son's reaction too big?

Zhao Jinchen took out a handkerchief to wipe off the water stains around his mouth, and when everyone at the dinner table looked over, he smiled awkwardly.

"Mom, let's stop this topic, don't worry! Wen Qian and I are both young, so we will give you a reinforcement platoon."

She turned around and told him, Mom, not to bring up this question again at Zixu's child's full moon wine.

After the full moon wine, it is time to prepare for the New Year, and there are not many days left.

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong took two months of maternity leave, and they were able to last until the end of the Chinese New Year.

But at home, it’s not at all easier than at work. Every morning when I wake up, it’s like a fight. I feed the four little ones first, and there are two big ones. The clothes can be worn by myself, but I still need to send them to school .

Zhou Zisong went back to City B after drinking at the full moon. The twins cried a lot and were very noisy. Sometimes Li Yanhong even collapsed.

Especially when Zhou Zixu helped Sihui take care of the children, he hoped that Zisong would come back soon.

A few more days passed like this, and it was almost the Chinese New Year, except for some food and drink distributed by the work unit, the Zhou family didn't buy anything!

"Sister-in-law, you and Aunt Su will work harder. Zixu and I will go shopping for New Year's food."

There are still five days to celebrate the new year, Lu Sihui couldn't stay longer, and planned to go out with Zixu to buy some delicious food.

"Can we go together?"

Li Yanhong felt that she was about to get moldy, and she would go crazy if she stayed at home.

If she had known it would be so hard to have a child, she would have regretted having it.

"Okay, I'll let Jianguo watch over for Aunt Su, Zixu will drive, let's go shopping today."

Lu Sihui couldn't help laughing when she saw Li Yanhong's unrequited appearance.

Lu Jianguo finished all his winter vacation homework, but recently he seemed to have something on his mind. Lu Sihui didn't notice, but Mr. Zhou found out, and he was talking to him in the living room right now!

"Jianguo, are you under a lot of pressure from studying?"

The old man regarded Jianguo as his grandson, and cared about his every move.

"Grandpa, it's okay."

Lu Jianguo looks like a young man now, he looks as clean as Sihui.

However, he doesn't have the masculinity of Zixu and Zisong, and looks too gentle.

"If you have any difficulties, tell grandpa that you will soon be admitted to university, so you must work hard!"

Mr. Zhou gave instructions there, but Lu Jianguo just nodded, looking a little absent-minded.

"Jianguo, help Aunt Su with the baby."

Both Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong changed into casual clothes, and it was rare to wear a coat. Hers was a bright red lapel coat, and Li Yanhong was wearing a light yellow color with a hat of the same color. She looked like a child's mother, she was simply beautiful Big girl.

"Okay, don't wait for my brother-in-law?"

Lu Jianguo stood up. My sister said that she went to the street with her brother-in-law, and she said she was taking him with her!It changed in a blink of an eye, but he just didn't want to go out.

"Don't wait, there is a bus on the way."

Lu Sihui waved her hand and walked out with her sister-in-law.

The cold north wind slapped them with snowflakes, and the sister-in-law and sister-in-law hurriedly wrapped their scarves tightly, and couldn't help shivering.

"It's going to be more than minus 30 degrees today."

Li Yanhong wrapped her coat tightly and put on her gloves. Looking at the heavy snow falling from the sky, she didn't want to go back to the warm house at all.

"Almost, let's go!"

Lu Sihui glanced at the snowy sky, the snowflakes fluttered and scattered, turning the world into a pure white, she liked it.

Thinking in my heart, should I go into the mountains to get a wild boar?It's been a long time since I went hunting in the mountains, my hands are itchy.

(End of this chapter)

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