Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1572 Still So Slender

Chapter 1572 Still So Slender

"We have to go back quickly, otherwise the four little ones will wake up and have to nurse!"

Li Yanhong pulled Lu Sihui to walk on the snow. People who grew up in the south liked the snow in the north very much. The creaking sound of their feet on the snow was very rhythmic.

It's rare to come out to let the wind go, and I like everything I see, even like a child, I reach out to catch the snowflakes, and then watch the snowflakes melt in my palm, my eyes are black and happy.

"Sister-in-law, if you play for a while, the time is up."

Lu Sihui said with a smile, she remembered the snow sledge made by Zhou Zixu, how fun it was to drag her on the snow.

The two went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. It was the Chinese New Year, and the wives had to go out to do their shopping. There were quite a few people waiting in front of the bus stop.

"Aren't these the two daughters-in-law of the Zhou family?"

"It's so beautiful, she has already given birth to two children, and she's still so slim, look at us, it's incomparable to others,"

The daughters-in-law talked a lot, and they were basically envious. Only Wu Xiaoqiang's mother curled her lips and looked disdainful.

"I found a man with a heart, and almost killed the child, what's the air?"

Her words attracted the attention of other daughter-in-laws, and those who had good letters asked her secretly.

"What's the matter? It's the second child of the Zhou family, right? I heard that he was a promiscuous character before he got married, and he was merciful everywhere. Didn't he say that he will get better after marriage?"

"What's the matter? Hooked up with the nanny's daughter, Gou.1, and the nanny drugged the twins, almost killing them."

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother got excited and told everything she knew.

When Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong got off at the stop sign, they noticed that some of the daughters-in-law were looking at him strangely.

"Sister-in-law, are you going to the city?"

She herself didn't like chatting, so when she saw Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law was there, she greeted her, and she turned a blind eye to the others.

"Well, you two go too!"

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law was a little embarrassed, mainly because her family had a good relationship with Zixu's family, and she felt uncomfortable hearing these people's comments.

She doesn't like to pick things up, she heard these words, but she couldn't say them to Sihui.

But if she didn't say it, it didn't mean that Wu Xiaoqiang's mother thought the same in her heart. She was a little guilty at the side, and she was afraid that Wang Guoqiang's wife would tell Lu Sihui what she just said.

His eyes fluttered, looking at some thieves.

Lu Sihui glanced at her, didn't have a good impression of this woman, and pretended not to see her.

When the car arrived, Wu Xiaoqiang's mother was the first to rush to the door, still muttering: "It's too cold, I'm freezing to death."

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law frowned and glanced at her, and followed behind Lu Sihui, waiting for the other daughter-in-laws to get in the car before she got in the car.

"It's so cold!"

The glass of the car was covered with frost. Wang Guoqiang’s daughter-in-law took out a dime from her pocket and handed it to the conductor. The temperature inside the car was not too high, it was just more protected from the wind and snow than outside.

"Sister-in-law, I don't have any change in my pocket, please put it in for me first."

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother said something to Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law, but she sat in her seat without moving.

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law helped her pay the fare with a heartbroken heart. She was very upset. Every time she got on the bus, whenever she met her, she asked herself to help pay the fare. The excuse was that there was no change.

Then, as if nothing happened, I didn't mention paying back the money at all. Although the money was not much, only [-] cents at a time, there were still a few dollars accumulated.

It's not her mother, who has to pay for her every time.

There were a lot of people in the car, and Lu Sihui and the others were the last to get on the car, and there were already no seats. Seeing that Wu Xiaoqiang's mother was taking advantage, Lu Sihui frowned and turned away from looking at her.

The daughters-in-law in the car all looked at Lu Sihui with sympathy, which caught her attention.

(End of this chapter)

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