Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1573 Why Can't Control Your Mouth

Chapter 1573 Why Can't Control Your Mouth

Frowning and scanning around, he found that only Wu Xiaoqiang's mother didn't dare to look at him, and the others all had sympathy in their eyes when they saw her.

"What's going on, why are you looking at me like that?"

If it were someone else, they wouldn't ask face to face, they would usually ask close friends, but this person was Lu Sihui.

She didn't like people who stabbed her in the back, so she asked them face to face.

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother didn't expect her to ask directly, and her eyes became a little flustered.

The pride of gossiping before was gone, and I was afraid that these daughter-in-laws would betray her.

Especially Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law, who seemed to be very close to Lu Sihui, she kept staring at her to prevent her from betraying herself.

"What? Does no one want to say anything?"

Lu Sihui's face turned cold, she took off her scarf and glanced at the daughters-in-law in the bus.

All the people she saw hurriedly lowered their heads and glanced quietly at Wu Xiaoqiang's mother. Seeing the behavior of these people, what else did Lu Sihui not understand?
"what did you say?"

She came directly to Wu Xiaoqiang's mother and looked at her condescendingly.

It's not that this woman has never been taught a lesson, so why doesn't she have a long memory?
"What did I say? Really, did you see my mouth move?"

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother forced herself to be calm. She knew that Lu Sihui was not easy to mess with, and she dared not admit it even if she was beaten to death.

Talking about the leader behind his back is also a big problem, and now she regrets it a bit.

Why can't I keep my mouth shut and show her?

I don't want to admit it because I'm jealous of Lu Sihui, why is she so lucky, a girl from the countryside found a big leader?
The most angry thing is the two times when she cleaned herself up, she was too arrogant, and she just wanted to make her unhappy.

"If you have something to say to your face, don't gossip behind your back. Remember, you are sisters-in-law, not uneducated housewives."

Lu Sihui wasn't used to her, and it's useless not to admit it. So many people are staring at her, it's not unreasonable.

Throwing down coldly, this is slapping her in the face in public and gossiping behind her back, which are all done by uneducated women.

No matter what Wu Xiaoqiang's mother said, she also had a job. Lu Sihui's words made her face turn red with anger, but she didn't dare to confront Lu Sihui.

Did she really know what she said behind her back?It is estimated that her man's life in the work unit should be difficult.

After all, it was her husband who told her this.

Lu Sihui stared at her, seeing that the woman's face turned red, she seemed very angry, but she didn't dare to speak out.

She raised her chin arrogantly, and threw her another sentence: "Don't let me know, otherwise, I will make it difficult for you."

All the daughters-in-law in the car looked at Wu Xiaoqiang's mother, thinking in their hearts, you deserve it, who told you to spread nonsense.

However, I'm still a little afraid of Lu Sihui in my heart, this temper is not easy to provoke!
"Sihui, forget it."

Li Yanhong didn't want to cause trouble, so she pulled Lu Sihui to stop her from talking.

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law raised her eyebrows, feeling relieved that the woman did not take care of herself.

She likes to talk about people when she has nothing to do. In the family building, there is a nickname of Little Trumpet. Anyone who has something wrong with her family knows it.

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother didn't dare to look up until she got off the car, but she could always feel Lu Sihui's icy gaze.

Such a strong sense of oppression, she was living like a year, and she didn't dare to raise her head at all, wishing she could arrive at the station immediately.

"Sihui, what do you want to buy on the street?"

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law pulled Lu Sihui to talk, also trying to distract her.

"Buy some food and drink, and clothes for the children."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, and withdrew her gaze from staring at Wu Xiaoqiang's mother.


Wu Xiaoqiang's mother felt that the oppressive feeling disappeared, and couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"Next stop, department store."

(End of this chapter)

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