Chapter 1574
The conductor yelled into the loudspeaker, and she looked at Lu Sihui curiously all the way. This daughter-in-law looked young, but she had an aura of calmness and prestige, and she looked like a leader.

When getting off the bus, the standing people would naturally get off first, and Wu Xiaoqiang's mother was happy to walk behind, staying away from Lu Sihui so that she could feel more at ease.

"Look at you, what are you drawing? Be careful in the future!"

There was someone who had a good relationship with her in the compound. After seeing Lu Sihui get off the car, he lowered his voice to persuade her.

"Understood, thank you! You didn't betray me."

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother grinned. After leaving Lu Sihui, she returned to her nonchalant attitude in order to save face.

"She is also the daughter-in-law of the big boss. My man is under her elder brother's command, otherwise I can spoil her?"

The other daughters-in-law gave her a disdainful look, they just pretended to be cowardly, now they are able to bear it again?Are you capable of confronting Lu Sihui just now?

"What are you looking at? Get out of the car!"

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother felt uncomfortable being watched, she yelled in dissatisfaction, and squeezed out of the car first.

Buying things during the Chinese New Year at this time, it is as if you don’t need money, and everyone is queuing up to buy things.

Wang Guoqiang's daughter-in-law and Sihui's sister-in-law went to the children's clothing counter together, looking worried at the dark crowd.

"Sister-in-law, you line up here, I'm going to buy meat."

He couldn't be hanged by a tree, so Lu Sihui asked Li Yanhong to stay, took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Sister-in-law, thank you for your hard work."

"I have money, you take it first, let's count later."

Li Yanhong pushed her to leave, and Lu Sihui didn't give in any more, she went home and went shopping first.

Wealth should not be revealed, Lu Sihui just took out a handful of Great Unity, except for Li Yanhong, the rest is at least a hundred.

Two thieves noticed her and followed her quietly.

"Don't squeeze, what are you squeezing? Don't you know the queue?"

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother was in front of the pork counter, yelling and pushing hard towards the front of the line. During the Chinese New Year, the counters selling pork and beef were crowded with people, so crowded that they cried for their father and mother, just to buy a piece of meat, which is better than a beautiful New Year's Eve.

When Lu Sihui came over and saw this magnificent scene, she felt dizzy. During this time of queuing, she could get a wild boar when she went into the mountain.

I simply stopped queuing up and went outside the department store to buy meat on the black market, spending a few cents more and saving my white sweat.

As soon as she left, the two thieves looked at each other happily. This is a fat sheep and cannot be let go.

He quickened his pace to catch up and squeezed away from Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui didn't care at first, it's normal for there to be a lot of people during Chinese New Year.

At this moment, Wu Xiaoqiang's mother unconsciously turned around and saw the thief reaching into Lu Sihui's pocket.

She raised her eyebrows and smiled, and she was still helping the thief in her heart, stealing her naked and making her arrogant, let's see how she will cry for a while?

In a good mood, she turned around and squeezed into the counter again, but she didn't know that she herself had become the target of the thief's attention.

When Lu Sihui walked to the gate, she felt that someone was imitating her, she turned around suddenly, and looked at him sharply.

The thief had already succeeded, and smiled at her: "I'm sorry, I only met you when someone squeezed me."

"Auntie, he stole your money."

The teenage boy next to him suddenly spoke, and the smile on the thief's face turned cruel, and he glared at the little boy viciously.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

Sternly cursing, he turned around and squeezed into the crowd. Another thief cooperated with him and transferred the money to him.

Lu Sihui touched her pocket and found that the money was gone, she yelled at the thief.


(End of this chapter)

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