Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1575 Dare to touch her

Chapter 1575 Dare to touch her

Not only did the thief not run away, but he turned around and smiled evilly, squinting his eyes, and asked Lu Sihui in a sultry voice, "Sister, why are you calling me brother?"

It was enough just to talk, and he even reached out to touch Lu Sihui's small face.

The thief came over to observe, this beautiful woman is alone, there is no man around, so what are you afraid of?

If you want money, you should take advantage of it.

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother watched the excitement excitedly, and bought the meat without hesitation, just wanting to see the scene of Lu Sihui being molested and crying.

At that time, let's talk about it in the unit, see how Lu Sihui still has the face to behave?
I really know that she has been teased. Can that suave Zhou Zixu still want her?After all, he is also a deputy minister, so he would feel ashamed.

"Oh, my hand is broken."

But what she didn't expect was that Lu Sihui didn't move, grabbed the thief's hand with a cold face, sneered and broke it hard, the thief screamed and Lu Sihui forcibly broke his hand.

She is merciless and dares to touch her. Does this person not want to live?

When the thief's accomplice saw it, his face turned red with anxiety, so let's leave it alone!If the accomplice is caught, he will also confess him.

Control it?

Isn't this little girl too powerful?Come up and break hands?
Grinding your teeth, how can two big men beat a little girl?

"Little girl, why do you bully people?"

He went over to fight from the perspective of a bystander, so no one should know the relationship between the two of them!
"They're a team."

The little boy yelled again, this time, the two thieves hated him and stared at him viciously, but the child was not afraid at all.

But his family members were terrified, squeezed out from the crowd, dragged him away, and muttered in a low voice: "Don't mind your own business."

Seeing that he had been exposed, the thief drew a dagger from his waist in order to prevent the night from having more dreams, and threatened Lu Sihui: "Let him go, buddy is in a bad mood today, don't force me to kill someone."


It's a pity he hasn't finished clamoring yet!He was kicked on the chin, and the man flew backwards, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.

Some ordinary people saw it, kicked it aside, and secretly helped Lu Sihui.

The thief clutched his chin, unable to speak. He felt that his chin had been broken by the kick.

Two big teeth spit out from one mouth, and blood flowed down the corner of the mouth.

The thief whose palm had been broken before couldn't care less about the pain, and kept begging for mercy: "Grandma, aunt, please let me go!"

How could Lu Sihui care about him, a thief, right?Don't ask for it.

Grabbing the thief's other good hand and breaking it hard, the people around him could clearly hear the sound of bones breaking.

The thief howled miserably, cold sweat streaming down his cheeks.

Seeing that the hands I depended on for a living were broken, and I could no longer earn a living by stealing, I cried like a child: "Mom, save me! It hurts me to death."

His face was covered with snot and tears from crying, and he sat on the ground.

The thief with a broken jaw, seeing Lu Sihui attacking so hard, was so frightened that he got up and wanted to sneak into the crowd.

If you don’t run in this situation, you’d be a fool. At this moment, the spectators are surrounded by three circles inside and three circles outside. It’s very difficult to squeeze out. Fortunately, his face is covered in blood, and the onlookers give way one after another. Who wants to get blood all over?

Lu Sihui rushed over, grabbed him by the collar and threw him on the ground, making the thief cry so hard that he almost lost his breath.

"I'll give you the money, aunt, I'll give you all the money."

In this case, in order to protect himself, the thief hurriedly took out Lu Sihui's stolen wallet and returned it to her, kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

"I don't dare anymore, please let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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