Chapter 1577

"It's mine, I lost my wallet."

As long as Wu Xiaoqiang's mother has no losses, she doesn't care about the rest!

Who caught the thief, who asked for the wallet?She had to get the money back anyway.

More than 100 yuan!She and Xiaoqiang's father received nearly two months' salary.

"Take back."

Lu Sihui was so angry that she was shameless, so don't blame her for being rude.

After snatching the wallet back from her, Wu Xiaoqiang's mother cried out, "The vice minister's daughter-in-law is bullying someone, so she robbed me of my wallet."

The onlookers didn't know Lu Sihui's identity at first, but Wu Xiaoqiang's mother exposed her identity, and now everyone looked at Lu Sihui with admiration.

"No wonder she's the daughter-in-law of an iron-blooded man, she's amazing."

"Is it too heavy to start?"

"If the thief is not dealt with, he will harm others in the future."

"Look who else has lost something."

The common people began to talk about it, saying everything, both praise and criticism.

Xiaoqiang's mother doesn't care about that, the old and new grudges can be avenged now.

When the thief heard that he had offended the vice minister's wife, he thought it would end badly. He was sweating profusely regardless of the pain, and got up and wanted to sneak away.

"let me go."

The little boy who reminded Lu Sihui that there was a thief before was forced to the neck by a dagger, his jaw was kicked off, and the thief with his mouth full of blood got the knife again from somewhere.

"Let us go, otherwise, kill this child."

The thief whose jaw was broken and couldn't speak, and whose palm was broken by Lu Sihui, looked at Lu Sihui with a grim smile.

As long as she can escape and hide in the countryside, how can she find her?
The child's parents cried and wanted to rush over to save their son, but the thief was so frightened that he used all his strength, and the blood flowed down the blade.

"Son, don't hurt my son, we won't move, please let him go."

The boy's mother cried and knelt down and begged the thief.

"Mom, stand up, I'm not afraid."

The little boy frowned, acting extremely brave.

"You stop, I don't move."

With her hands behind her back, Lu Sihui stared at the thief coldly, looking for an opportunity to catch him, but the premise was not to hurt the child.

Xiaoqiang's mother on the ground was dumbfounded. The thief was too close to her to dare to cry, so she hurriedly got up from the ground and tried to hide behind Lu Sihui.

This movement caught the attention of the Halfhand thief. His hand was broken, but his arm was useful, so he directly used his arm to hold her hostage like a dead dog.

"Let us go, or the two of them will die."

Grabbing two padded backs was enough, and the thief became arrogant.

This woman is acquainted with the fierce woman just now, and since she is known as the wife of the deputy minister, maybe also the daughter-in-law of the leader, arresting the daughter-in-law of the leader is better than arresting the child to negotiate.

"Give way, don't surround yourself."

I don't know who called the police. The police dispersed the crowd. After the hostage-taking incident, these people didn't dare to surround them anymore and hid far away, but they still wanted to see how it was resolved in the end.

"Help, policeman, help me."

Wu Xiaoqiang's mother yelled at the police. She was terrified. Although there was no knife on her neck, she felt that the thief was exerting so much force that her trachea was about to be severed.

Unlike her crying, the little boy was very calm, the blood flowed down his neck and into the collar of the padded jacket, but he was not afraid at all, and he actually did the ideological work of a thief.

"Let me go, don't make the same mistake again and again, you will pay for your life if you kill someone."

Lu Sihui looked at him appreciatively. The boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old, dressed in ordinary clothes, and his parents saw him as an honest worker, so they were terrified at the moment.

Who cultivated his character of being so fearless in times of danger?
The man holding him saw the police panicked, his eyes were chattering wildly, looking for a chance to escape, Lu Sihui looked at the time, the wallet in his hand, and flew towards the thief's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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