Chapter 1578

The thief saw a black shadow flying towards his eyes with a strong wind, and subconsciously turned his head to avoid it. The dagger in his hand was only two points away from the child's neck.

Lu Sihui seized this gap, stepped forward and pinched his wrist holding the knife, broke it without mercy, and then kicked him on the neck, the thief fell to the ground and passed out on the spot.

Lu Sihui guarded the boy behind her with cold eyes, and looked down at the fainted thief. She didn't believe that the thief could change his hands, so naturally she couldn't steal anymore.

"Help me, save me, woohoo"

Seeing that the little boy was saved, Xiaoqiang's mother yelled at Lu Sihui. The thief who was holding her panicked, fearing that Lu Sihui would rescue the woman again. Without making a sound, she could only reach out her hand to Lu Sihui in a humming voice.

Lu Sihui gave her a cold look, there are policemen here!Can't show myself.

"Son, go find your mother."

Glancing at the little boy, he instructed him softly, bent down to pick up his wallet on the ground, and planned to leave.

"Son, I told you not to mind your own business, why didn't you listen?"

The boy's mother went over to hug her son, took out a handkerchief to cover the wound on his neck, her heart ached.

"Auntie, I want to learn from you. I want to be an ice maker and serve the people."

The boy didn't care how his mother cried, but held Lu Sihui's hand and looked up at her.

The child's eyes are black and bright, and his eyes are firm and determined. He is indeed a good seedling.

"Okay, when you are 16 years old and you have trained yourself to be strong, come to Falcon to find me. My name is Lu Sihui, remember."

Lu Sihui took a deep look at him, since he has such great ambitions, then she took this little comrade and built him up.

"Auntie, my name is Lu Zhishan, and I will be 16 years old during Chinese New Year."

Lu Zhishan was afraid that Lu Sihui was perfunctory for him, so he hurriedly reported his family name, which frightened his parents, and nervously watched the thief, fearing that he would be retaliated afterwards.

Lu Sihui shook her head, such timid parents gave birth to a bold son.

"Sixteen years old is not a false age. Start strengthening your training from now on. Next year, Auntie will wait for you."

While she was talking to Zhishan, Xiaoqiang's mother was so angry that she wanted to eat her.

But he couldn't say a word, so he could only break the thief's arm, trying to rescue himself.

But the more she resisted, the more frightened the thief became. With great strength on her arms, Xiaoqiang's mother's eyes bulged out, her face flushed, and she waved at the police.

At this moment, she really knew, what is the threat of death?
I could still watch the fun before!Now he is a hostage.

The policeman wanted to rescue her, but the thief's eyes were already red, and he yelled loudly: "This sister-in-law, you can hear me clearly, if you come closer, I will strangle her to death."

Everyone around was sweating for Xiaoqiang's mother. Lu Sihui looked at her coldly for a while, and she would not say a good word about herself after being rescued. If it was because of her that the thief went to save others, the thief would kill Xiaoqiang's mother. , then she becomes a bad person.

Rather than being human inside and out, why is she making trouble for herself?
"You let go, let her go, and let you go."

The policeman was using attacking techniques against the thief. The thief looked at his companions on the ground. Even if he ran away by himself and broke his hand, he was still a waste, and the family had no money to treat it.

It would be better to go into the fence!There is free medical care.

Thinking this way, he planned to let go, but at this moment, Xiaoqiang's mother stepped on his foot fiercely, which angered him.

(End of this chapter)

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