Chapter 1581

Lu Sihui smiled and handed the hare to Zhou Guifang, bean buns, I remember that the original owner had eaten them when he was a child!

"Auntie don't want it, you take it back!"

Zhou Guifang refused to take it, as there was not enough meat for the Chinese New Year.

"Sihui, try it, it's very sweet."

No. [-] handed the stuffed bean paste to Lu Sihui. She had more smiles on her face than before, which was the reason for her happy married life.

"It's very sweet! Are Jin Chen and uncle at home?"

Lu Sihui opened her mouth to catch it. There was saccharin in the bean paste, which was very sweet and delicious.

She smiled and looked around, but didn't find the two of them.

"Hello, Auntie."

After waiting for a long time, Xiaoying finally found a chance, stood up and smiled flatteringly at Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui looked down at her, she had gained a lot of weight, she was cleaned up by number one and her aunt, she was wearing new clothes, she was taller than when she came last time, and her personality was also cheerful.

"Hi Xiaoying."

Lu Sihui greeted her with a smile, hoping in her heart that this child would never learn from her mother.

"Jin Chen and my dad have gone into the mountains and want to get some wild game for you!"

Number one stood up, scratched the bean paste in his hand with a knife, went to the washbasin to wash his hands, and answered with a smile.

"Ha, thinking of going together, I caught a wild boar in Neishan, and I want Uncle and Jin Chen to help me get it back!"

Lu Sihui smiled. The hero sees the same thing. Isn't it stupid to stand in line to sell meat while relying on the mountains?
"Old woman, get the basin quickly."

Just as he was saying this, Zhao Yaozu's hearty voice came from outside the house, he sounded very happy, and he probably gained a lot.

The three of them ran out of the house, and through the curling heat, they saw Zhao's father and son walking into the house in frost and snow.

They held two hares and two pheasants in their hands, and they both had smiles on their faces!

"Uncle Zhao, Jin Chen."

Lu Sihui greeted them with a smile. Zhao Jinchen didn't expect Lu Sihui to come, and subconsciously looked into the room. Zhou Zixu and his wife have never been separated.

"Where's Zixu?"

"He's at home! Jin Chen, Uncle, warm up first, and follow me to the inner mountains later! I killed a wild boar, and I can't get it back by myself."

It was getting dark, and Lu Sihui was in a hurry to go home, thinking that Zixu didn't know why she was in a hurry, so she didn't talk too much, and just explained it directly.

"It's amazing. Jin Chen and I walked around the mountain several times, just thinking about catching a wild boar! It's a pity that we didn't meet it. You are lucky."

Zhao Yaozu was very happy to hear that, what did he think?The two of them always went to Neishan for the past two days, thinking of catching wild boars and sending half of them to Zhou's family, but it turned out that Sihui gave half of them to his family.

It was not enough for the three of them to go, Zhao Yaozu called two men who had a good relationship with him, and followed Lu Sihui into the inner mountain with a pole.

These two people also knew Lu Sihui, and they greeted her with a smile, thinking that she was a golden phoenix flying out of the mountains, and she was capable.

Lu Sihui walked in front, the snow in the mountains was much deeper than that in the mountains, the sun was about to set, the light was not good, it was not safe to walk, a few people stepped on the snow with one foot deep and the other shallow, making creaking sounds.

The snow poured into the shoes and turned into snow water. After a while, the feet were frozen cold.

Lu Sihui entered the space capsule before going down the mountain, wearing special socks with built-in heating, for her, this is not a problem.

"Sihui, don't go into the mountains again, the mountains are covered by heavy snow, and the beasts are fierce! How dangerous it is to be alone."

Zhao Yaozu blushed from the cold, he tried to persuade Lu Sihui as he walked.

"I see. I bought meat in the city today but didn't get it. I had to come to the mountains. Be careful in the future."

Lu Sihui agreed with a rare good temper, and searched around, and the one she left a mark was in this area.

(End of this chapter)

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