Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1582 Moves Fast Like an Ape

Chapter 1582 Moves Fast Like an Ape

"Is Zixu at work?"

Zhao Jinchen asked suddenly, if Zixu knew, he would definitely not let Lu Sihui enter the mountain by himself.

"Yes, look, it's on that tree."

Lu Sihui answered perfunctorily while pointing, and saw from a distance that the wild boar was hanging from a tree, swinging back and forth in the wind.

If a person enters the mountain alone, even a big man will be afraid when he sees it.

It looked like someone was hanging himself, very cautious.

"How did you pull it up by yourself?"

An adult wild boar weighs more than 200 kilograms. Even a well-trained male iron-blooded team member would have to work hard to drag the wild boar up a tree.

"That's all."

Lu Sihui replied lightly, stepped on the snow, and under the attention of everyone, climbed up the tree a few times, as fast as an ape.

Because of her actions, the snow on the branches fell with a rush, and it was snowing heavily in the sky outside, and a light snow fell artificially on her side.

The rope is fastened with the special technique of the iron-blooded team members, and it is difficult for ordinary people to untie it.

After untying the rope, she slid the wild boar down. The four men below held the rope and tied the four hooves of the wild boar. They took the pole and inserted it directly into the rope. lift up.

"It must weigh more than 200 catties, old brother, your family has another bumper harvest year today."

Old Liu said enviously to Zhao Yaozu, he was so envious, although wild pork is not as delicate as domestic pork, but it is still meat, and it tastes just as delicious.

"This is from Sihui, from the Zhou family, not from me."

Zhao Yaozu didn't want to be rewarded for nothing, so he didn't want it at all.

"Uncle, my family can't eat it. You keep half of it, and I'll take the rest back."

Lu Sihui followed behind them lightly, and when she heard Zhao Yaozu's words, she replied with a smile.

"Brother, you said Sihui was such a good child back then."

Old Liu said half of what he said, as if he realized something?The next words became a compliment to Lu Sihui.

Zhao Jinchen raised his thick eyebrows, and strode forward with a sullen face, faster than when he was going up the mountain.

"Jinchen, slow down, this is carrying a wild boar! If you don't walk in the same way, you will fall down."

Zhao Yaozu hurriedly called his son to stop, and Zhao Jinchen slowed down.

"Uncle Liu, it's windy on the mountain, so please stop talking."

He warned Uncle Liu in a cold voice that he and Sihui were both married, and Sihui was married to his best friend, so some things were not just said casually.

"Yes. Yes, the wind is really strong."

Old Liu agreed in embarrassment, and didn't dare to say anything for the rest of the way.

After going down the mountain, Number One and Zhou Guifang were waiting at home!No. [-] wanted to go too, but was stopped by her mother-in-law.

Sihui couldn't go if she didn't go, because no one except her knew where the wild boar was hiding?
As for the daughter-in-law, she went alone and couldn't help to carry it. The mountain is so slippery, what should I do if I fall down?
Also, she can make bean buns for herself at home. Didn't she take advantage of Sihui's time to go to the mountains to steam a pot and put it in the yard to freeze!
Just wait for Sihui to come back, put it in a flour bag and take it back to Zhou's house for her.

These bean buns are not a good thing in the countryside, but in the city, they should be regarded as rare items. If you want to eat them, you have to spend money to buy them.

It took a long time for the few people to leave, and the mother and daughter became worried. Regardless of the cold weather, they all ran to the courtyard and looked up the mountain.

"Mom, are these bean buns for Sihui's family?"

The couple didn't have much to say, so they asked casually on the first day,
"Isn't it? The person hasn't come back yet, let's go in and wait in the house! We need to find a clean flour bag."

Seeing that no one came back, Zhou Guifang took her daughter-in-law into the house. There was a curtain of steamed steamed bean buns in the yard. No one noticed. Someone turned around and ran away, and came again after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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