Chapter 1583

Seeing no one left and right, he quietly sneaked into the Zhou family compound, and took out a paper bag from his pocket.
The mist stretched the figure of this person very long, looking at the darkness and gloomyness, there was a ruthless light in this person's eyes, and there was a cruel grin on the corner of his mouth.

"It's almost home, everyone, don't be discouraged, work harder."

Zhao Yaozu's excited voice echoed in the mountains, he had already seen his own house.

It’s just that Wangshan is a dead horse, and it’s not bad to be able to walk there in half an hour.

Walking lightly in the snow is still very tiring!What's more, stepping on the heavy snow and carrying more than 200 catties of wild boar?
The four men were sweating, and the heat came out from under the hats, and the scarves around their mouths were all white window grilles.

It can be said that the four men have all become old men with white beards, even with white eyebrows.

Lu Sihui didn't get much better, she was wearing a knitted hat, the heat evaporated, the hat was covered with white frost, and her eyelashes were also frozen, and she had to use her fingers to melt the ice from time to time.

The scarf is covering the mouth, and the heat from the breath is blocked by the scarf, and it feels very stuffy to hide behind.

On this day, it is suitable to hide at home. In three or nine days, my jaw will be frozen, and the cold is too uncomfortable.

Seeing that she was about to reach her destination, she was also happy, walking in the footsteps of the four men, she was much more relaxed than them.

In the mountains, there are white hangings on the trees, making it extra deserted.

"Old Zhao, it's really cold! Your house is made of steamed bean buns! Is the chimney still smoking?"

Lao Liu is a chatterbox, and he always feels bored when he doesn't talk. Now he has found a topic.

"Steamed bean buns, brothers and sisters will come to my house to drink some."

Old Zhao was steaming, but he was not stingy. If it was the wild boar he and Jin Chen had killed, he would give each of them a piece of pork.

"Okay, eat some bean buns. My family didn't steam them, so life is hard."

It's settled now, Lu Sihui shook her head, it's a big night, when will I finish drinking?
A group of people entered the village, causing the house dog to bark wildly. After Lao Zhao yelled, he stopped barking.

The people in the village went to bed early. Except for the Zhao family and a few families with their lights on, the others all turned off their lights and went to sleep.

"came back."

This is the third time that Zhou Guifang and No. [-] have come out to watch. They saw a group of people wandering from a distance, and they greeted them with a smile.

"Yes, old woman, hurry up and make two good dishes, let us have some drinks."

When Zhao Yaozu saw his daughter-in-law, he gave an order to unload the wild boar, and asked Zhou to send Shi to Sihui to the family building.

"Such a big wild boar? Are you tired!"

Zhou Guifang smiled and agreed. After seeing the wild boar carried by four people, why does it feel bigger than last year's one?

"Uncle, let's unload it in the village. I want half of it, and you keep the rest. Just in time, take a piece of meat home for each of the two uncles."

When Lu Sihui entered the hospital, she said that eating alone is worse than eating together.

Uncle Liu and Uncle Wang are nice people. At least when she was in the village, these two families never bullied her.

In addition, when Zhou Changjiang set fire to these two families, they were also set ablaze, and the fire joint operation, a total of five.

"How embarrassing."

"That's right, with a little effort, can you still ask for meat?"

When Lao Wang and Lao Liu were going down the mountain, they really thought about whether they could give them a piece of meat, but Zhao Yaozu's words discouraged them.

Unexpectedly, Lu Sihui was so generous, she hurriedly smiled and waved her hands, pretending to be humble.

"Sihui, take it back! Uncle don't want it, I owe your family enough favors."

As soon as Zhao Yaozu opened his mouth, the smiles in their eyes froze.

(End of this chapter)

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