Chapter 1584
That's meat. If you have money and don't have a meat ticket, people don't sell it. If you have money and a meat ticket, you may not be able to grab meat in the market.

To be honest, I don’t have to eat it myself, but I want my wife and children to have a good meal for the New Year.

Although this year's days are better than in previous years, this meat is still scarce.

"Uncle, how much can my family eat? Besides, you don't receive rewards for nothing, can I move the wild boar down by myself? It's considered that we big guys fought together, so it's settled, and I'm angry if I talk about it."

Lu Sihui smiled, took out the dagger, and cut the rope, intending to unload the wild boar by herself.

"I come."

Zhao Jinchen saw her intentions. During the training in Neishan, she had seen Lu Sihui's ability, and she could indeed unload wild boars by herself.

But with a man around, let a woman do it?outrageous.

It's not a woman's job either.

"Old woman, turn on the fire and boil water, burn more, the wild boar hair will not be easy to shed."

Seeing that Lu Sihui could not be stopped, Zhao Yaozu hurriedly told his wife, and he went to help, and carried the table with Lao Liu, and the four of them threw the wild boar on the table and prepared to clean it up.

This place was busy, and Zhou Zixu was looking for Lu Sihui over there with smoke coming from his throat. He drove around the city several times until the street was empty. He was sure that his wife was no longer in the city, so he drove back home. try to find.

The anger in his heart burned him to death, Sihui is always like this, is it interesting to say goodbye without saying goodbye?

Sister-in-law Li Yanhong is still blaming herself at home!Said that she did not take good care of Sihui.

The point is, although he knows that Sihui is very powerful and no one can bully her, he is just worried about what to do?
The heart is like oil cooking, as long as you can't see her, you will think about the bad.

After all, Sihui promised him that she would not wander off again.

Moreover, the one who went out with my sister-in-law suddenly disappeared, something happened, could she disappear?

No one was found in the city, so he drove home, and as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw grandpa and elder brother seeing people off.

At first glance, it was Deputy Director Wu and his father. The two looked a little unhappy and walked with their heads down.

Stepping forward to meet her, what he thought was whether he could see his wife in the house, maybe when he went to find her, she went home by herself.

"Zixu, have you found Sihui?"

When Mr. Zhou saw his grandson, he hurriedly asked.

"No, I've walked around the city several times, but I haven't found Sihui, Uncle Wu, Brother Ang, are you here for something?"

Zhou Zixu first answered his grandfather, and then looked at the Wu family father and son.

"You don't know yet, do you? Sihui caught two thieves in the department store. My wife was also there at the time, and she was also held hostage. Thanks to her for saving my daughter-in-law."

Deputy Director Wu told what he knew, but when it came to Lu Sihui saving Xiaoqiang's mother, he was a little reluctant.

It turned out that Xiaoqiang's mother called Deputy Director Wu at the hospital, and he rushed over to understand the situation, and only then did he know what happened.

It's just that what the police said was different from what his wife said.

The police said that Lu Sihui caught the thief and saved his wife.

When Xiaoqiang's mother said something else, she said that Lu Sihui would not save her, which provoked the thief, and the thief almost strangled her to death.

She also said that Lu Sihui robbed her of the wallet, because Lu Sihui was the daughter-in-law of Vice Minister Zhou, and she could only watch the police hand the wallet to Lu Sihui.

Hearing this situation, it really made people angry. Deputy Director Wu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

Xiaoqiang's mother stayed in the hospital, and when he went home to tell the story, his father insisted on bringing him over to visit Lu Sihui, but he didn't do it willingly, so naturally his face was not good.

"Then where is my wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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