Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1586 The Overwhelming Pain

Chapter 1586 The Overwhelming Pain
"The bean buns on the curtain in the courtyard will be brought back to you in a while."

Zhou Guifang smiled, and put another spoonful of sugar into Lu Sihui's bowl.

On the first day, she poured a bowl of hot ginger water for Lu Sihui, she boiled a teapot of ginger water, and sent the rest to the men in the courtyard.

After Lu Sihui ate three bean buns, she felt something was wrong with her stomach, but she didn't pay attention to it at first, after all, it was too cold outside, and it was normal to feel uncomfortable after eating the cold wind in her stomach.

But after drinking the ginger water, the abdominal pain became more serious, and she began to sweat coldly on her head.

Subconsciously clutching his stomach, something is wrong!The pain was as if her intestines were broken. She is a very strong person, but she still couldn't bear it.
"Auntie, where is the toilet?"

Lu Sihui was pale and clutched her stomach, the pain was getting worse and worse, she suspected that she had a bad stomach.

"In the backyard, what's the matter, my stomach hurts? I'll take you there."

Seeing that something was wrong with her on the [-]st, she hurriedly helped Lu Sihui go to the backyard with a flashlight.

After just a while, Lu Sihui was so painful that she couldn't straighten her back, her face looked a little pale under the light, the blood in her mouth and hair was gone, and sweat was streaming down her forehead.

"No! It's just a bad stomach, why does it hurt so much?"

No. [-] found that something was wrong, and helped Lu Sihui brush her forehead, her hands were cold, and she became even more anxious.

"I'll call my father-in-law and ask him to find someone to take you to the hospital with a car?"

No. [-] dared not delay, Sihui's situation was not right and she had to be sent to the hospital.

"Drink more ginger water! It hurts so much when the wind enters the stomach."

Zhou Guifang came in from outside the house. She was holding a bowl of hot ginger water. She was thinking stupidly. She heard the conversation in the house from the outside room. Sihui was ill, how could she explain to Zixu.

"No. [-], you and your aunt go out first, and I will lie down on the kang for a while."

Lu Sihui let them go out weakly, her stomach was like lime poured with boiling water, there was a rushing sound, and the pain was overwhelming.

She felt something was wrong, and she might not have time to go to the hospital. Now her vision was blurry, and she had to enter the space capsule as soon as possible.

"No, I can't leave you in this situation."

When the number one came, the sisters fell in love with each other, and refused to go out desperately.

This made Lu Sihui miserable, she was in pain, but she dared not enter the space capsule.

The teeth are about to be crushed, what the hell, it hurts more than giving birth.

"Get out! I want to lie down by myself."

She pushed one size out with all her strength, but she fell to the ground as if stepping on cotton, and her eyes were dark.

Before falling down, she called out to the robot in the space capsule for help in her heart.

"help me."

In the yard, Zhao Jinchen followed his father and two other uncles to shed the wild boar's hair. The wild boar's hair is harder to shed than the domestic pig's, and the pig's hair is as hard as a steel needle.

Boiled water was poured on it, and the stench was disgusting.

"Brother, take a basin and see if it can bleed out or not. Throw it away and waste it."

Old Liu said to Zhao Yaozu while shaving the wild boar.

Pig blood is a great tonic, filled with blood sausage, braised with pickled cabbage, it is so fragrant, you can drool just thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll get the basin."

Zhao Yaozu agreed, and he hasn't waited to enter the house yet!I saw a car coming from the entrance of the village.

"Who's here?"

Zhao Yaozu asked subconsciously. Zhao Jinchen was helping Uncle Liu shave pig hair with a dagger. Hearing what Dad said, he stopped what he was doing and looked towards the entrance of the village.

"Did Zixu come to pick up Sihui?"

He threw down the dagger and walked out of the gate, but he hadn't reached the gate yet!Number one rushed out.

"Jinchen, hurry up to borrow a car, Sihui has fainted."

(End of this chapter)

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