Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1587 What is the poison

Chapter 1587 What is the poison
"What's going on? It was fine just now!"

Zhao Yaozu frowned and asked, even if he got a cold from going up the mountain, he couldn't fall ill so quickly, right?

After Zhao Jinchen heard this, he ran out of the yard. As soon as he got out of the yard, the car rushed towards him with its headlights flickering, and he subconsciously blocked his eyes with the back of his hand.

It was dark in the car glass, and the driver's face could not be seen clearly, so he shouted into the car.

"Zixu, is that you?"

"Jin Chen."

Zhou Zixu jumped out of the car with a smile, and yelled at Zhao Jinchen in a brisk voice, he was teasing him just now!With the headlights swaying like that, Jin Chen didn't even know how to dodge it. He couldn't do it if he wasn't in the unit, and his reaction ability was much worse.

"Zixu, just in time for you to come, Sihui fainted."

Zhao Jinchen didn't have a smile on his face, he grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the house.

"What? What's going on?"

Zhou Zixu ran quickly and yelled at Zhao Jinchen, he was fine, why did he faint at Jinchen's house?

"I don't know, go into the house and have a look."

Zhao Jinchen didn't waste time at all, pushed the door open and dragged Zhou Zixu into the room. The room was full of heat and sultriness, and he couldn't see the person opposite him clearly.

The two of them waved their hands to drive away the heat, and when they entered the east room, they saw Lu Sihui leaning on the edge of the kang limply, No. [-] and Zhou Guifang were trying to help her up.


Zhou Zixu strode into the room, bent down and picked Sihui up from the ground.

"How are you? Answer me?"

At this time, Lu Sihui used her mental power to communicate with the robot, and the space capsule urgently helped her detoxify.

She heard Zhou Zixu's voice, but she had no time to take care of it at the moment.

She has to figure out what's up with her?

It is impossible to be poisoned for no reason. Even if the wild boar ate the poison, she has not eaten pork yet!

If it is summer, you may be poisoned by miasma, you may be bitten by a poisonous snake, and there are unknown poisonous insects and weeds.

However, it is winter now, and the sky is covered with white snow, even if it is poisonous, it can be suppressed by the snow.

Therefore, her poisoning was suspicious, and she gave an order to the robot.

"Find out, what kind of poison am I poisoned? What kind of poison do I eat?"

Zhou Zixu and the Zhao family couldn't wake her up, but they were panicked.

Especially Zhou Zixu, seeing his daughter-in-law's face turned pale and her lips were bloodless, in such a situation, can he not be in a hurry?

While shouting her name loudly, she rushed out with someone in her arms.

Lao Liu and Lao Wang, who were busy in the courtyard, looked at them at a loss. They were fine when they were in the courtyard just now, why did they suddenly fail?

"What's the matter?" The two grabbed Zhao Yaozu and asked, but he didn't have the time to answer, and followed Zhou Zixu towards the door.

Zhao Jinchen was busy helping him open the car door, Zhou Zixu carefully put his wife on the back seat, and shouted at Zhao Jinchen: "Jin Chen, you drive."

After speaking, he got into the rear driver's seat, hugged Sihui tightly in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "Sihui, hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Number one ran out of the yard together, she sat in the co-pilot seat, Zhao Jinchen jumped into the car, started the engine, it was very difficult to turn around in the village, he was a little slower, and Zhou Zixu urged him.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen agreed, but his subordinates drove the car calmly. It would be even more troublesome if they hit something and couldn't drive the car.

Zhao Yaozu, Zhou Guifang and the other two stood at the gate and watched, all the way to the village where the car left.

"What should I do! I fainted after a good time?"

Zhou Guifang sighed, she was so anxious, it wasn't that there was no room, so she followed.

"What happened to your house?"

(End of this chapter)

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