Chapter 1588

Zhou Bashi came out to go to the toilet, heard the sharp sound of brakes, and saw many people gathered around the door of Zhao's house, so he came over with his clothes on to take a look.

"Something happened, I wanted to find you just now!"

Zhao Yaozu sighed and replied.

"What happened?"

Zhou broke the casserole and asked the truth. They all lived in neighbors and had a good relationship with Lao Zhao. Naturally, he had to inquire. If there was a patient, he had to ask the old lady to come and see.

"Sihui came to my house as a guest and suddenly fainted."

Zhou Guifang spoke quickly and told the truth directly.

"That girl? When did she come?"

Zhou Bashi asked subconsciously, the Zhou family and Lu Sihui had never been in touch with each other.

"I don't know, I just fainted suddenly."

Zhao Yaozu said something, in this case, he didn't have the heart to unload the wild boar anymore.

"Brother, go get busy! We two brothers can do the job."

Lao Liu and Lao Wang comforted him, they have already helped, so naturally they will help to the end.

"A wild boar was shot? Old brother, you are so lucky! Whether the pork is sold or not, your siblings went to the city to buy it, but they couldn't get the meat."

Zhou Bashi didn't mention Lu Sihui's matter, but when he saw the wild boar's eyes lit up, he proposed to buy some.

"It's from Sihui, so it probably won't be sold."

Zhao Yaozu looked at him in embarrassment, if he and his son fought, it doesn't matter if you give him two catties.

You can't take other people's things to give favors, you don't have such a big face.

"Oh, then I'll go back first."

Hearing that it was Lu Sihui who called, Zhou pouted, saying it was useless to talk too much, she couldn't sell it to herself.

When Zhou Bashi got home, her daughter-in-law also got up and was yelling at Zhou Changjiang's house!
"Yangtze River, go and see your father, why haven't you come back after going to the bathroom?"

"Yangtze River?" She yelled several times, but no one answered, so she had to get up and put on her clothes.

"Raising a son is useless, marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting your mother."

While muttering, there was a big pimple between her brows, let's see how she will deal with them tomorrow morning.

Zhou Bashi entered the courtyard just in time to hear his daughter-in-law's cry, and hurriedly agreed in the courtyard: "Go to sleep!"

While talking, the courtyard door rang
"Sihui, wake up, don't sleep."

Zhou Zixu lay down next to Sihui's ear and shouted all the time, why didn't she open her eyes.

At this time Lu Sihui was already awake, but she closed her eyes and refused to make a sound when she heard Zixu's cry.

Just now the robot has detected the poison in her. It is rat poison, which can only be found in rural areas.

Her intake is not too large, it will not be fatal, but it will also cause damage to the body.

This made her wonder, where did she get the rat poison?He ate at home in the morning and didn't eat anything at noon. In the evening, he ate three bean buns at Jin Chen's house.

Could it be that the bean buns are poisonous?She began to doubt in her heart.

But who gave her the rat poison, intentionally or unintentionally?
She had to figure this out, and the Zhao family thought about it over and over.

It is impossible for Aunt Zhou to do that. Jin Chen and Uncle Zhao have been busy in the courtyard. No. [-] and herself are gay, and they have been in a relationship for many years, so it is even more impossible for her to poison.

There is only one Xiaoying left, she is still a child, can she know to give herself rat poison?

Zhou Zixu has been watching his daughter-in-law's expression nervously, and seeing her frowning constantly, her eyes rolling back and forth under her eyelids, is she clearly awake?

But why did she see herself in a hurry, and didn't open her eyes to answer?
He lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"Sihui, are you awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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