Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1590 You are like an old man with white eyebrows

Chapter 1590 You are like an old man with white eyebrows
Lu Sihui took the coat and pushed No. 10 onto the car, feeling extremely anxious. It took Xiao Er 40 minutes to leave from Zhao's house, and it took more than [-] minutes to go back and forth. No one knows what happened during this period. not sure.

"it is good."

Zhao Jinchen didn't give in any more, looked at Sihui gratefully, jumped into the car and started the engine, and drove towards the village at a high speed, with the ruts that were pressed before, the speed was much faster than before.

"Sihui, I'll carry you on my back."

Zhou Zixu put the No. [-] coat on Lu Sihui's body, turned around and left his broad back to Sihui. In order to make it easier for Sihui to come up, he squatted on the ground, as if he was carrying swifts at home every day.

Lu Sihui wanted to say no, but knowing Zixu's character, she said it was useless.

Silently, she hugged Zixu's neck, resting her chin on his shoulder.

Zhou Zixu put his hands back to hold his wife in place, then he stood up steadily, took big strides, and walked towards the city.

There are ruts on the ground that he made when he came, so it is easier to walk.

But the ruts were very slippery, and after a few steps, I staggered and had to move to a position without ruts.

However, in this way, every step is a deep step into Xue Ke, making it difficult.

It was difficult to walk alone, not to mention Zixu was carrying his wife on his back.

"I'll come down and go by myself!"

Sihui felt sorry for the man, and was reluctant to let Zixu suffer, so she offered to come down and leave.

But Zixu clasped her hands tightly, preventing her from getting down.

"be honest."

A deep voice came from his mouth, he sounded very angry, Lu Sihui took off the scarf covering his mouth, and asked loudly in his ear.

"Are you angry with me?"

The wind was very strong, and the flying snow hit her face. It hurt so much that she couldn't open her eyes.


Zhou Zixu's voice was muffled, a little different from his usual speech.

"I'm just angry, sorry, I was wrong."

Lu Sihui already felt his anger, but was moved in her heart, and apologized honestly, so as not to make Zixu angry.

"You still know it's wrong? Why did you leave secretly when you went to the street with your sister-in-law?"

Zhou Zixu was really angry, he turned his face and glared at his wife, seeing that his eyebrows were white, but Lu Sihui couldn't help laughing,

"Zixu, you look like an old man with white eyebrows."

"You're still laughing! I'm scared to death by you, does my stomach hurt?"

Zhou Zixu originally wanted to teach his daughter-in-law a few words, but later, he held back and waited for her daughter-in-law to recover from her illness.

Looking back with concern, he could still laugh, proving that his life was not in danger.

Just now at Zhao's house, he was frightened by his wife, so helpless, pale, and weak, it made him feel distressed.

"It hurts, but it's much stronger than before."

A stern look flashed in Lu Sihui's eyes, no matter who it is?He will not forgive her for suffering.

"You suspect that the beanbags have been poisoned? Is there any evidence? Rural people are still very simple."

Zhou Zixu asked his daughter-in-law calmly, if it was eaten by mistake, it is possible, but who would have the guts to poison it on purpose?
"Zixu, have you forgotten how I left the backing village? Zhou Changjiang set fire to five houses, didn't he want to kill our siblings? Rural people are simple, but they are not heartless and vicious. It doesn't matter."

Zhou Zixu also had a cold light in his eyes, if he knew who harmed Sihui, even if he made a mistake, he would have to vent his anger on Sihui.

"Okay! I think of people too kindly, I hope there is still time for Jin Chen to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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