Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1591 Zixu is here again?

Chapter 1591 Zixu is back again?

Zhao Jinchen drove fast all the way, but the road was slippery, even if he wanted to drive fast, it was useless, the speed still couldn't increase.

In the Zhao family, the wild boar has been unloaded, and Lao Liu and Lao Wang have also cut the pig into four halves for easy storage.

"Your sister-in-law is cooking in the house, take a bite before leaving!"

Zhao Yaozu went to the house to let the old brothers, although something happened to Sihui, but if they come to help, they always have to entertain them.

"No, old brother, it's too late, come back another day."

Old Liu went into the room to wash his hands and saw that three dishes had been set on the dining table. He was still being polite and didn't have the nerve to sit down.

"You're welcome, Bojiu Veggie. This is sauerkraut stewed with wild boar. There's nothing special about it. And the bean buns. I'll let your sister-in-law pack them up. After a while, the family will take a few home for the children to try."

Zhao Yaozu pulled people to the table, put the beanbags in the yard back for the two brothers first, there was still some hot ones in the pot, just send them to Sihui's home tomorrow.

Lao Liu and Lao Wang couldn't give up their hospitality, so they washed their hands and sat down at the table.

On the table, there is a plate of scrambled eggs with chopped green onion, a plate of fried wild pork with red pepper, and stewed wild pork with sauerkraut.

Both of them were very happy, and held their wine glasses to respect Zhao Yaozu: "Brother, you can help me a little, I'm still staying at your house for dinner, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, drink some wine to warm up, and try your sister-in-law's craftsmanship."

Each of these two people had a plate of bean buns in front of them. After drinking a few sips of wine and eating a few pieces of pork, they both became interested in bean buns.

"This bean bun is a good thing, you can only eat it once a year."

Lao Liu picked up the bean bag and dipped some sugar in it, but didn't put it in his mouth!Let me say a word of emotion first.

"Yes, the bean buns made by your sister-in-law are delicious, you two should eat more."

Zhao Yaozu was hungry after being busy for a long time, and carrying a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms down the mountain was a lot of work.

The little meal I ate at night is long gone. Now that I have two glasses of wine, I feel a little hot and spicy, so I want to eat a bean bag.

He picked up the bean buns, talked and smiled, dipped them in sugar, and put them in his mouth. The bean buns made by the daughter-in-law were exquisite, the size of a ping-pong ball.

It is very convenient to eat.

"It's delicious, chewy, and the bean paste is sweet."

Lao Liu also put the bean bag in his mouth, nodding in praise frequently.

"eat more."

Zhao Yaozu smiled as he picked up the meat for the two brothers, and he ate it himself.

There was a sharp sound of brakes outside the courtyard, and the brothers stopped drinking and looked at the door together.

"I'll go and see if Zixu is back again?"

Zhou Guifang greeted her first, Sihui was ill at her home, she was always thinking about it!
Zhao Jinchen jumped out of the car and ran into the house. Zhou Guifang saw clearly that it was his son who came back, and looked very anxious, so he hurriedly pulled him and asked, "What's going on? Could it be Sihui?"

She panicked, this man came to her house properly, but she really couldn't do it like this, she couldn't even tell.

"Mom, let me go, has my dad eaten bean buns?"

Zhao Jinchen didn't have time to explain to his mother, so he pushed her away and ran into the house.

He couldn't see the situation in the room clearly through the thick window grilles. He was so anxious that he rushed in.

Zhou Guifang was terrified, what happened?
On the [-]st, she entered the room one step later than Zhao Jinchen, and she was held back by Zhou Guifang: "Daughter-in-law, how is Sihui? What's wrong with Jinchen?"

"Mom, stop asking."

I couldn't explain it clearly in three sentences or two sentences. When I entered the hospital on the first day, I looked at the bean buns and found that they were empty. I felt nervous immediately.

She, who was always calm, also became nervous.

"Where's the bean bag in the yard?"

(End of this chapter)

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