Chapter 1593 Feel guilty
Zhao Jinchen drove very fast, one was worried about whether Dad and Uncle Liu were poisoned, and the other was to catch up with Zixu quickly, Sihui was poisoned, and he was carrying her away!
These two people are too great, regardless of their own safety, let him go home to save others.

Zhou Zixu walked towards the city with his daughter-in-law on his back through the smoke and snow. His whole body was drenched in sweat, and the cold wind blew into his body from his collar, making his heart cold.

"Zixu, put me down!"

When Lu Sihui heard her husband's heavy breathing, she began to feel distressed. She couldn't say that she was healed, otherwise Zixu would doubt it.

However, watching him do this for himself, I really feel ashamed in my heart.

"Don't talk, you're almost in the city, trust me, man, you have plenty of strength."

At this time, Zhou Zixu was still joking with his wife.

Along the way, he called Sihui every once in a while, for fear that she would faint.

"I'm really fine. Can you trust me? It's still far from the city! I'm tired of you, and my heart aches."

Lu Sihui regretted that she was self-willed, and she had a good intention, so that her family could eat pork for the New Year, but the child didn't eat food for two meals, and she didn't know if she could still drink the milk powder?
Zixu ran around because of her. In this snowy day, something really happened.

Now, it is even more troublesome for him to carry himself on his back. Although he is physically strong as a comrade, it is not easy to carry someone on his back in this heavy snow.

"Sihui, does your stomach still hurt?"

Zhou Zixu changed the subject, rat poison was in the blood, if something happened to his wife, he would regret it before it was too late.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I'm fine if I eat less."

Lu Sihui said in a low voice, in fact, the dose of rat poison is quite a lot, if there is no space capsule, even if you go to the hospital by car, you may have died.

She was also careless, there was white sugar on the bean bag, but she didn't find anything unusual, the sweetness of the white sugar covered the smell of rat poison, that's why she was tricked.

"Drip drip."

A horn sounded from behind, and Zhou Zixu smiled. Jin Chen came back. He was exhausted and came back in time.

"Zixu, get in the car."

Zhao Jinchen parked the car beside Zhou Zixu, opened the car door and waved to them.

Zhou Zixu carefully put his daughter-in-law on the back seat, saw that there were still two people sitting in the back seat, got into the car, and held his daughter-in-law in his arms.

"Uncle Zhao has eaten bean buns?"

He asked Zhao Jinchen after he got in the car, and he didn't feel any embarrassment in holding his wife.

Lu Sihui was hugged by him, her face turned red.

The people sitting in this car are all the elders of the village, and it is embarrassing to see them like this.

Lao Liu and Lao Wang sat there stiffly, and they didn't dare to look over. In the eyes of these old minds, this is immoral, and even husband and wife can't hug like this in public.

"I ate."

"You don't feel anything?"

Zhao Yaozu looked back from the passenger seat and saw Zixu hugging Lu Sihui, he also blushed and turned to look at the front of the car.

He still didn't believe that there was rat poison in the beanbag, otherwise why didn't he and Lao Liu have any reaction?

Besides, how did Sihui know what kind of poison she had before she arrived at the hospital?

"Uncle, did you eat the bean buns from the yard?"

Lu Sihui frowned and asked, looking at Zhao Yaozu's appearance, he really didn't look like he was poisoned.

A moment after he finished eating, his stomach was in pain. He still chatted with him without changing his face, without any reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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