Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1594 Feeling Embarrassed

Chapter 1594 Feeling Embarrassed

"I don't feel anything?"

Zhao Yaozu shook his head, but still didn't dare to turn around and look at Sihui and Zixu talking, feeling very embarrassed.

After arriving in the city, Zhao Jinchen asked Zixu to take Sihui and his father to check, while he took the bean bag to the Physical Evidence Department for testing.

The result of Lu Sihui's examination was rat poison poisoning, Zhao Yaozu and Lao Liu were fine.

After the results came out, Lu Sihui was required to be hospitalized for observation, colon cleansing, and detoxification injections.

Zhao Yaozu and Lao Liu can go home.

"Zixu, what are you talking about? You said you would be poisoned if you ate some bean buns at my house, but your aunt and I couldn't possibly harm Sihui! Besides, you and I also ate bean buns, so why didn't anything happen? "

Facing the hospital's examination, Zhao Yaozu became anxious and pulled Zhou Zixu to explain.

I always feel that things are not clear, and I am still wondering why Sihui thinks that there is rat poison in the bean bag?

"Uncle, this is not about suspecting you and your aunt. Jin Chen went to test it. If it is really poisonous, you must not eat it."

Zhou Zixu was very upset, his daughter-in-law suffered, and now the suspect is still the Zhao family, what happened?
From old to young in the Zhao family, except for Zhao Yuying, no one has any hatred for Sihui!

"It's midnight, just stay in the hospital for one night, and I'll take you back tomorrow."

This is not the time to pursue responsibility, Zhou Zixu comforted Zhao Yaozu first, and then went to the doctor's duty room to call home.

There is no bedding for the hospital, and he doesn't want to leave his wife for a moment now, so he can only trouble his elder brother and sister-in-law for a trip.

The matter of Sihui's poisoning caused a lot of trouble in the Zhou family, and old man Zhou's anxious mouth had blisters at that time.

Lu Jianguo had to follow Zhou Zisong to the hospital to see his sister, who was his closest relative in the world.

Arriving at the hospital from the unit, Mr. Zhou took his grandson to ask about the situation,

People leave home well, and appear in the hospital after disappearing, and everyone has to ask.

"Grandpa, I can't say a word or two clearly now. I'm fine. I just need to be observed in the hospital for two days. Don't worry!"

Zhou Zixu took the quilt and spread it on the bed for Sihui. Lu Sihui was wearing a hospital gown to persuade her grandfather to go home. She only looked paler, but her eyes were still bright.

"You child, your idea is too righteous, and you are making grandpa anxious to death."

Mr. Zhou couldn't help admonishing Sihui that Zisong and Zixu had never bothered him since they were young, but his daughter-in-law made him anxious to death.

Missed for several days last time, come again this time?

"Grandpa, I'm sorry. I saw that the store was out of meat. When I was walking home, I decided to go to Gushan Tunnei Mountain on a whim. I won't do it again next time."

Lu Sihui stuck out her tongue. She was not angry with Grandpa at all, he cared about herself.

"This is the mung bean water that your aunt Su boiled for you, drink some to detoxify."

The training was for training, but Mr. Zhou still felt sorry for his granddaughter-in-law, so he handed Sihui the mung bean soup he brought at home.

"Thank you grandpa."

Lu Sihui took it, feeling warm in her heart.

Even though she had done something wrong, the whole family still cared about her so much.

Zhao Jinchen returned to the criminal police brigade with the bean bag, and called people from the Physical Evidence Department to test and collect evidence overnight.

At dawn, he came to the hospital with the test results.

He didn't sleep all night, and he looked a bit tired. When he saw Zhou Zixu, he told him the test results.

"Zixu, it's tested, and half of these bean buns have been sprayed with rat poison."

Zhou Zixu took the test sheet and glanced at it, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he punched the wall with his fist, and squeezed out a sentence between his teeth.

"Investigate thoroughly, I want to know who is trying to harm Sihui?"

(End of this chapter)

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