Chapter 1601
Number One went over and said something to the uncle coldly, she could see that he made trouble because he gave the pork to Zhou Zixu.

"Why not?"

When Zhao Jinchuan came home, he saw a wild boar at home, but no one told him who killed the wild boar?

There were many people around the yard at that time, and the police came to collect evidence again. When he was tired, he went into the house to have a meal and rest.

In his mind, what is in his house must belong to his house.

Now my sister-in-law lied that it was not from his family in order to give the pork to Zhou Zixu. Isn't that an elbow?
Besides, he was beaten by Zhou Zixu, and she didn't say a word, what's on her mind?

"It really doesn't belong to our family. It's the wild boar that Sihui killed. They will throw half of it for us."

Zhou Guifang whispered in her son's ear.

Zhao Jinchuan's face suddenly collapsed. Although the food in the cafeteria is not too bad, meat is still rarely eaten.

It wasn't his elder brother who beat him, he just offended Zhou Zixu, will he take away all the wild meat?
"Uncle, I'm going first."

Zhou Zixu didn't want to read any more, so he turned around and left, feeling sad for Zhao Jinchen. Zhao Yuying died, and he couldn't be free, and there was another vampire.

"Zixu, Sihui likes to eat bean buns. Your aunt steamed them, so it's absolutely fine."

Zhao Yaozu grabbed Zhou Zixu, this bag of bean buns was steamed overnight by his wife, and he didn't leave without a glance.

"Uncle, no need."

Zhou Zixu refused to accept it, mainly because he had a shadow in his heart and dared not try again.

"With the pork, we can't eat these."

Zhao Yaozu handed the bean bag to his daughter-in-law in embarrassment, knowing why Zixu refused to take it.

Seeing that Zixu was about to leave empty-handed, he quickly chased after him with two horns of pork.

"Okay, Uncle, Sihui and I will come to pay New Year's greetings to you and your aunt during the Chinese New Year."

Zhou Zixu didn't refuse, it was all Sihui's hard work, and he almost died.

Sihui was at home at this time, being taught by her grandfather, sitting on the sofa, looking at her nose and nose, looking at her mouth, very honest.

"Sihui, grandpa really needs to talk about you. You are the mother of three children. Why are you still so self-willed? The doctor ordered you to stay in the hospital for three days, but you only stayed for one night and then ran home. Not for yourself, not for you The child considers?"

"Grandpa, I was wrong."

Lu Sihui had a good attitude of admitting her mistakes, and was afraid of making her grandfather angry, so she always had a smile on her face.

"Mom, you are not good."

Little Swift also joined the ranks of teaching her mother a lesson.

With a stern face, she stared at Lu Sihui decently.

"Hey, little thing, are you talking about me too?"

Lu Sihui has a good attitude towards her grandfather, but if her daughter dares to talk about her, she has to be dealt with.

He pinched Little Swift's nose and taught her a cold face.

"I'm not wrong. You don't care about me and my brother, it's just wrong."

Swift and her mother started a debate, and the four-year-old child talked in a different way.

"Pfft, Sihui, your Swift is a big kid."

Li Yanhong couldn't help laughing at the side, she was so rare about Swift, she really hoped that Xiaofeng would be as smart as her when she grows up.

"Cough cough cough."

Lu Sihui coughed in embarrassment, naturally she couldn't bear to pinch her daughter's nose all the time.

"Sihui, in the future, when encountering things, think more about the children, and grandpa, this heart can't bear the blow."

Mr. Zhou pretended to be pitiful, covering his heart with a bitter face.

Lu Sihui smiled helplessly. Grandpa is too funny, playing both soft and hard ways.

"Grandpa, shall we play chess?"

Lu Sihui was afraid that this criticism would go on forever, so she rolled her eyes and suggested with a smile.

"Okay, Yanhong, make tea for grandpa, I'm going to kill everyone today."

(End of this chapter)

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