Chapter 1602

Mr. Zhou was really fooled, and when he heard about playing chess, he immediately forgot about teaching Sihui.

Cheerfully put on the chessboard, smiling broadly.

Lu Sihui stuck out her tongue at Li Yanhong, her eyes were full of cunning.

"Okay, I'm going to make tea."

Li Yanhong looked at Lu Sihui and smiled, it's really good to be sister-in-law with Sihui.

"Sister-in-law, wait, how much does it cost to buy clothes, I'll give you."

Lu Sihui suddenly remembered the business and took money out of her pocket.

"Forget it! How much does an aunt need to pay to buy a dress for her child?"

Li Yan blushed, she was not a stingy person, she was determined not to ask for money.

Lu Sihui shrugged, she is not the kind of person who likes to push back and forth to be polite, since she doesn't want to, let's talk about it later.

"Sihui, grandpa is leaving first, jumping horse."

While the sister-in-law and sister-in-law were chatting, Mr. Zhou had already arranged the chess and cards, and he occupied the red square, so he could go first.

It's not that he wants to play tricks, it's really that Sihui is not easy to win.

"Yuyan, are you going to write?"

Dongsheng came to look for Swift, he is a bit young and old, he likes to study very much.

And Swift hates studying very much, she would rather go to see her rabbit when she has that time.

"No, I'm going to see the rabbit, brother Mingyuan will bring me cabbage in a while!"

As Swift spoke, she jumped off the sofa and ran upstairs.

Dongsheng stood there with a dark face, why did his sister like being with that Wang Mingyuan so much?
She is his sister, why doesn't she like to play with herself?
Lu Sihui glanced at Dongsheng, and found that the older he was, the more he looked like Zhou Zisong, and his little brows always frown.

And it's too serious, unlike the emotions that children of this age should have.

Seeing that Lu Sihui didn't play chess, Mr. Zhou was so anxious that he took the chess pieces and knocked on the chessboard.

Lu Sihui hurriedly picked up the cannon and took a step forward, then smiled and said to her grandfather, "Grandpa, I will bombard you."

"I'll bombard you too."

Mr. Zhou smiled, picked up his cannon and shot at it, killing Sihui as a pawn.

Lu Sihui just picked up the car, and she hasn't left yet!I saw my daughter wearing a red coat and a pink hat, walking down the stairs.

"Yuyan, want to go out?"

Sihui hurriedly asked with concern.

"I'm going to pick up Brother Mingyuan."

Swift replied happily, the smile on her small face was like a bright peony flower.

When Wang Mingyuan was mentioned, she had a smile on her face.

"Yuyan, will my brother take you to make a snow sledge?"

Dongsheng suddenly made a decision and stepped forward to stop his sister. Since Swift likes to play, he will play with her.

"Okay! Brother Dongsheng is the best."

Sure enough, when she heard that she was going to play with the sledge, Swift clapped her hands happily.

Dong Sheng also showed a smile on his face, and with bright eyes, he said to Swift, "Wait for me, I'll go downstairs right away."

After he finished speaking, he ran upstairs, Li Yanhong came over with a teapot, seeing his son running so fast, she hurriedly called him.

"Dongsheng, run slowly."


Dongsheng agreed happily, but the speed of his feet was faster than before.

"This child, who usually looks like a little adult, is still childish after all."

Li Yanhong smiled and put the teapot on the table, and she also cut a bowl of radishes.

She carefully peeled the skin of the radish and cut it into thin slices. It is sweet and crunchy and can be eaten as a fruit.

"The child is normal."

Lu Sihui picked up a piece of radish, and ate it unceremoniously. Speaking of Dongsheng, she felt that he was a little cunning, but he still had a lot of eyes.

But in the past year, he has become much calmer, especially after having younger siblings, he is more like a brother.

"Swift, let's go out and play."

(End of this chapter)

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