Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1603 is really great

Chapter 1603 is really great
Dongsheng was fast enough to be a guard, and ran downstairs in the blink of an eye, with his coat in his arms, his hat on his head, and his scarf hanging around his neck, looking a bit like he had lost his helmet and armor.

How anxious is this!Lu Sihui smiled and shook her head.

After all, he is still a child, and he can't last long in pretending to be an adult.

When there were still a few steps left on the stairs, Dong Sheng lost his footing and fell headfirst downstairs.

Li Yanhong broke out in a cold sweat, she flew towards Dongsheng, grabbed Dongsheng before he hit the ground, rolled on the ground, and lost her strength.

"Why are you so careless?"

Li Yanhong got up and ignored herself, went to see her son first, and saw that Dong Sheng's face was a little pale, and the panic in his eyes hadn't dissipated, but the child kept pursing his mouth and didn't make a sound.

While sweeping the dirt off his body, she frowned and taught him a lesson.

Lu Sihui and Mr. Zhou stopped playing chess and came to see Dongsheng. After seeing that he was not injured, Mr. Zhou was relieved.

"Be careful! The Chinese New Year is only three days away, so be careful."

The old man was also heartbroken. First he was the granddaughter-in-law, and now he is the great-grandson. In this family, without a strong heart, he was either scared to death or died of sudden death.

"Brother Dongsheng."

Swift came to comfort Dongsheng, her voice was soft and sweet.

The little girl used her scarf to help Dong Sheng wipe off the dirt on his face.

A pair of big bright and black eyes looked at his brother with concern.

"It's okay, let's go out and play!"

He was taken aback just now, but seeing his sister caring about him, Xiao Dongsheng also smiled happily.

Li Yanhong had no choice but to put on her son's coat, hat, necker, and cotton gloves with her own hands, and then let her son out.

"It's snowing outside, and I feel cold, so I'll come back."

Seeing her daughter bouncing and happily walking towards the door, Lu Sihui couldn't help shouting.

Don't freeze your little hands and face for a while, she will feel distressed.

"Okay, Mom."

Swift has always been, as long as she is asked to go out to play, she will happily agree to any request.

"Sister-in-law, you didn't hurt yourself! I see you are using your body to catch Dongsheng!"

After sending off her daughter and Dong Sheng, Lu Sihui looked at Li Yanhong with concern, she was really great, she was not her own son, but she really cared for him.

"It's okay, he doesn't weigh much."

Li Yanhong smiled, but what she didn't say was that her son hit her on top of her back, and now it hurts a lot, probably because of bruises.

"Grandpa, let's continue playing chess."

Lu Sihui glanced at her grandpa beside her. He frowned tightly, looked very angry, and smiled and pulled her grandpa to finish the game. In order to make grandpa happy, she let grandpa win this game.

"Why hasn't Zixu come back yet?"

However, Mr. Zhou was not in the mood to play chess. When Dongsheng and Swift opened the door, he saw heavy snow falling outside. Driving in this kind of weather is very dangerous.

Now that he found himself, he seemed to be worried?
"I'll probably be back soon, don't worry."

Lu Sihui glanced at her watch, Zixu has been away for about two hours, it is not easy to drive in snowy weather, it is normal to come back slowly,

Outside Zhou's house, although it was snowing heavily, it couldn't stop the children from playing.

Swift wanted to build a snowman when she went out, giggles came out of her mouth like silver bells.

Xiao Mingyuan was wearing a green cotton monkey and a thick cotton cap. His mother had a woolen scarf around his face, revealing only a pair of big black eyes.

Hearing Swift's laughter from a distance, he couldn't help running.

"Swift, here I come."

(End of this chapter)

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