Chapter 1608
"Lu's method."

Lu Sihui smiled lightly. When eating, Aunt Su knew which one was delicious.

Put oil in the pot here, and she went to check the degree of thawing of the fish. Seeing that the ice was still frozen, she poured some hot water into the pot so that the fish would melt earlier.

Aunt Su cut up all the meat, and saved a elbow on the 29th, which happened to be eaten on the [-]th night.

She puts the rest of the meat in the pot one layer at a time, pours a layer of cold water on it, and then puts another layer, and so on.

Aunt Su’s eyes were full of joy when there was a large bowl full of wild pork. It was the same during the Chinese New Year last year. After all, the unit’s share was only a little bit, and it was the wild pork that Sihui brought back. They ate it until March, and the whole first month was full of it. Meat.

The oil in the pot was hot, and Lu Sihui picked up the chopsticks and picked up the pieces of meat that had been grasped with noodles beforehand.

"Sihui, let me do this job! Go and nurse the baby, the little tiger and the little leopard are all awake."

As soon as two pieces of meat were put in the pot, Li Yanhong walked into the kitchen and directly took over the work from Si Hui, but she could just put meat in the pot.

"Turn down the heat, be careful not to burn it."

Li Yanhong basically didn't cook, Sihui told her worriedly.

"Go! The child is hungry."

Li Yanhong smiled, waved at Sihui, and continued to fry her meat.

Lu Sihui went out of the kitchen to wash her hands first, and glanced at the living room when she passed by, and saw Wang Guoqiang playing chess with her grandfather!Zhou Zixu watched the fun from the sidelines, and when he saw her coming out, he looked at her with concern.

"Brother Wang, you play chess with my grandfather first, and I'll go out for a walk."

Zhou Zixu stood up and threw a word to Wang Guoqiang, then followed Sihui to the bathroom.


After entering the bathroom, Zhou Zixu apologized with guilt hidden in his eyes.

"Why are you apologizing?"

Lu Sihui is washing her hands with soap!Seeing Zhou Zixu enter the room, he apologized, and looked at him funny in the mirror.

"You just came out of the hospital. You should rest. In this way, you go to rest and leave the cooking to Aunt Su."

Zhou Zixu said with self-blame, his daughter-in-law came home from poisoning, he didn't say to help her work, but also find a job?

It's outrageous, how can you be so confused.

"That's it? I'm fine, don't blame yourself."

Lu Sihui turned on the faucet and put her hand under it. Facing Zixu's self-blame, she found it very funny.

Why didn't you remember anything just now?Just thought of it now?

"The main reason is that when I entered the room and saw your ruddy complexion, I forgot about your poisoning. By the way, there is another thing I forgot to tell you."

Zhou Zixu put his arms around his daughter-in-law's slender waist, and told Sihui what Jin Chen had said to him.

"It's not her? It's a man? Didn't you check Zhou Changjiang? They belong to the same family."

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at Zhou Zixu, she thought it was a very simple matter, as long as Jin Chen went to investigate, he would be able to catch him at that time, and in the bottom of her heart, she already believed that Li Lanni did it.

Thinking of Li Lanni's charm to Zhou Changjiang, as long as she brings it up, Zhou Changjiang will definitely listen to her.

"It's not Zhou Changjiang either. The footprints extracted are size 42 feet, and Zhou Changjiang's shoes are size 44, so there is no suspicion of him."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, this matter is troublesome, he is not a policeman, they are professionals in solving crimes.

"Isn't it aimed at me?"

Lu Sihui only thought of this possibility, Zhou Zixu nodded: "It may also be that the Zhao family offended someone."

"Forget it, Jin Chen will check it out!"

Lu Sihui didn't want to talk anymore, her son was hungry over there!She has no time for small talk.

Zhou Zixu's big, bony hands stopped her waist, "What are you doing? Are you going to cook?"

(End of this chapter)

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