Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1618 This kid has a big life

Chapter 1618 This kid has a big life

Deputy Zhou Zixu was furious, turned around and left.

"Son, why is your car window broken? Did you hit someone?"

The door opened, Vice Minister Wu ran into the house anxiously, the driver sent him back, and saw his son's car in the courtyard, the front windshield was completely broken, and there was blood on the ground, it was shocking to see.

"Director Wu, your son hit Vice Minister Wang's grandson." Zhou Zixu told Director Wu in a cold voice, let's see what he does?
Director Wu's mouth and hair were trembling. What he thought in his heart was that his future was gone. He killed the vice minister's grandson. Even though it was not intentional, he would be demoted and investigated.

He couldn't hear what his father said, or what Zhou Zixu said, so he just thought about himself in fear.

"Why are you so careless? Why don't you send the child to the hospital quickly, why are you staying at home?"

Director Wu yelled at his son angrily. It was not intentional to bump into someone, but he hid himself and refused to go out. This is wrong.

He was the first to go out, he had to plead guilty to the Wang family, and hoped that the child was fine, if he really died, how could he compensate such a fat boy?
"Oh yes."

Only now did Captain Wu know what he should do?Dazed, he followed behind his father, praying silently in his heart that nothing would happen to the child.

In the Zhou family, after Xiao Mingyuan ate the nanorobot, the corners of his mouth stopped bleeding, and the painful expression on his face became much better.

Wang Guoqiang looked at his son distressedly, squatted beside him and held his son's hand tightly, feeling the heat still, so as not to collapse.

"Brother Wang, don't worry! Look, the bleeding has stopped, so you should be fine."

Lu Sihui had the bottom line in her heart, so she persuaded him from the sidelines.

"He's still so young, I'm sorry for him? What if... he becomes disabled?"

Wang Guoqiang slammed himself on the head in self-blame, if that was the case, he would never let the child down in his life.

"Don't worry! I checked, and the arms and legs are fine, and the ribs are not broken, it's just bleeding that looks scary."

Lu Sihui persuaded him that the child's ribs were actually broken. When she checked before, she felt that at least two ribs were broken, and the location was at the fierce cavity.

To be honest, it's quite dangerous, but who would let the child die to meet her aunt who comes from the end of the world and has a space capsule?
Without her, he wouldn't die.

Aunt Su helped find things for the hospital, such as quilts, thermos pots, cups, and mattresses.
I sigh in my heart, Sihui has just been discharged from the hospital, and these things are ready-made.

New Year's Eve, how did this happen?
Don't say that the Wang family is having a bad year, even if the Zhou family blames themselves, they don't want to celebrate the new year happily.

Who asked Zixu to invite Wang Guoqiang to dinner?

If Wang Guoqiang didn't come to Zhou's house, and the child didn't report back, he wouldn't be hit by a car.

Zhou Zixu came back with the Wu family father and son. Wang Guoqiang was looking forward to the ambulance, not Captain Wu who hit his son.

"Sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have driven so fast."

Captain Wu bowed to Wang Guoqiang as soon as he entered the door. He apologized sincerely. He kept avoiding his eyes. He didn't dare to look at Wang Guoqiang. He made a mistake while drinking. He must pay attention in the future.

I am afraid that Wang Guoqiang will not give up, what should he say?Can he forgive himself?

Director Wu went to see the child as soon as he entered the door. He saw Mingyuan's head was wrapped in gauze, but his breathing was still stable. At least for the time being, his life was not in danger. The stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Looking at Wang Guoqiang, he said apologetically, "Xiao Wang, I'm so sorry, why did this happen?"

Wang Guoqiang is very sad now, and he can't forgive Captain Wu right away.

This is a family building, there are so many children, and it is snowing heavily, why do you have to drive so fast?
(End of this chapter)

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