Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1619 There is deep resentment in the eyes

Chapter 1619 There is deep resentment in the eyes
Zhou Zixu accompanied Wang Guoqiang to send the child to the hospital, and the Wu family father and son drove together. The noisy living room became quiet in a blink of an eye.

Mr. Zhou sighed, and sat silently on the sofa to pack up the chess pieces.

Aunt Su was cleaning the blood-stained cotton wool with a broom. The sofa was made of leather. Although it was stained with blood, it would be clean after wiping it.

The air was filled with the smell of alcohol and blood. Lu Sihui put all the emergency medicines into the box, her face was as calm as water, and she was not in a hurry.

Li Yanhong heard that everyone downstairs had left, so she brought the crying Swift downstairs, the child's eyes were swollen from crying.

"Mom, where's brother Mingyuan?"

When Yuyan went downstairs, she went to look for Wang Mingyuan, and when she saw that the person was gone, she burst into tears and asked Lu Sihui choked up.

"Go to the hospital."

Sihui knelt down and wiped the tears off her daughter's face. The little girl and Wang Mingyuan had a deep relationship.

"Swift, he's fine."

Dong Sheng suddenly said, seeing his sister crying, he felt distressed.

He came over and stretched out his chubby little hand to help his sister wipe away her tears.

In Dong Sheng's mind, Ming Yuan was taken away by the doctor, and he would be fine in the hospital. Moreover, he saw his eyelids move, as if he even glanced at himself.

"Mom, is it true?"

It seems that Yuyan doesn't believe her elder brother, she must hear the exact news from her mother.

"Don't worry! I'll see you alive and well tomorrow."

Lu Sihui smiled, nodded to her daughter, and answered quite firmly.

Mr. Zhou stopped his hands and looked at Sihui with deep eyes. Although his great-granddaughter was very sad, Sihui shouldn't lie to the child.

If an adult lies to a child, the child will not believe what she says in the future.

Lu Sihui raised her head and met her grandfather's serious gaze, without explaining, anyway, maybe everyone will know tonight.

"Deputy Minister Wang doesn't know that his grandson was hit! He will feel distressed if he knows."

Seeing his daughter-in-law's eyes full of indifference, Mr. Zhou couldn't help but shook his head and said something with a sigh.

Deputy Minister Wang and Zhou Zixu's father are old comrades, and they usually have a good relationship.

Now that something happened to his grandson, Zhou's family was more or less responsible, so he decided to call his son, and he should give his condolences.

"Let's eat! Grandpa."

Seeing her grandfather frowning, Lu Sihui couldn't explain to him, so she stood up and held her daughter's hand, calling her grandfather to eat.

Two dishes have been prepared, the fish has been stewed in the pot, and the fungus is left, just mix it with sesame paste and monosodium glutamate soy sauce.

Although there is no longer a treat, the food has already been prepared and cannot be thrown away. Let's count it as an early New Year's Eve!
"Let's keep it simple."

Mr. Zhou looked at the dining table. They were all appetizers. How could he have the heart to eat them?

"Okay! The meat section is done. If you don't eat it, it won't be crispy. The elbow can be put away, and you can eat it when Zixu and Eunuch come back. The fish is stewed, and it's a waste if you don't eat it."

Lu Sihui explained, asking Aunt Su to save all that could be put away, and leave two dishes for the family to eat.

Zhou Zixu followed the ambulance to the People's Hospital. The doctors and nurses jumped out of the ambulance and carried the child down on a stretcher.

Wang Guoqiang looked anxious and went to help. The Wu family father and son were a step behind them, got out of the car and came over in a hurry.

"I'll help lift it."

In order to plead guilty, Captain Wu offered to help, but his feet are still a little loose, he drank too much today, his head is clear, and his body is still not cooperating.

"You go."

Zhou Zixu pushed him away, he was still walking shaky!He didn't kill Mingyuan, but broke him again.

"The child opened his eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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