Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1621 Drinking Too Much Mistake

Chapter 1621 Drinking Too Much Mistake

This is not the first time his son has had an accident. The last time he hit a villager's carriage, it was also due to drinking too much.

At that time, he was afraid that his work unit would punish his son if he found out, so he secretly gave the villagers 200 yuan to keep things private.

That time the son promised well and would never drink again, but this time the trouble was even bigger and he bumped into the leader's grandson.

"An old station friend in the unit returned home after five years of retirement. A few old station friends gathered together, who knew they drank too much."

Captain Wu looked at his father with a disheartened face. It is a disease to be greedy for alcohol, but he doesn't like other things, but he likes Dukang in the cup, and he likes to get together with his friends, talking and laughing, and drinking to his heart's content.

I always feel that I am not drunk after a thousand cups, but looking at it now, drinking is really a mistake, my reaction ability is not good, my brain is excited, I like to drive the car at the fastest speed, and I almost fell into a ditch twice without attracting his attention.

"Okay, I'll take care of you when I get home, and speak carefully later."

Director Wu poked his son hard on the head, and ordered him in a low voice.

"Understood, but Zhou Zixu always scolded me there. Is it good to have him here?"

Dissatisfaction flashed across Captain Wu's eyes. He was obviously not his immediate boss, but his brother was, but he just used the tone of a leader to teach his subordinates to scold him.

What angered Captain Wu the most was that he vaguely remembered that he kicked himself and splashed water on him.

Why do you say that you are older than him, you have to call yourself big brother when you get rid of your position?

The results of it?He hit himself?It's outrageous.

Moreover, after the accident, Wang Guoqiang didn't say anything, he was the one who refused to let go, it was so abominable, it was just adding insult to injury.

"In a while, I'll find a way to send him away, and you just need to coax Wang Guoqiang well."

Director Wu frowned. To be honest, he also had opinions on Zhou Zixu, not to mention helping to adjust, Wang Guoqiang didn't say anything!He taught his son angrily there, it was too much.


Captain Wu's eyes lit up, as long as Zhou Zixu was sent away, Wang Guoqiang would be thin-skinned and unable to save face, so naturally he would not pursue it further.

In the emergency room, the doctor gave Ming Yuan an inspection list, and the superficial inspections were all done. Except for the wound on his forehead, there were a few scratches on his arm that were scratched by glass, which didn't matter.

Now I need to take an X-ray to see if there are any fractures in the whole body. The most feared thing is that the ribs are broken and stuck in the lungs or other organs.

"I'll pay the fee, brother, you take the child to the filming."

Zhou Zixu took the list, said a word to Wang Guoqiang, and left with big strides.

"I have money."

Wang Guoqiang yelled at his back, busy taking money out of his uniform pocket.

"Not much money."

Zhou Zixu waved his hand. When he came, his grandfather gave him 200 yuan, and he needed to pay a deposit for hospitalization. He didn't want Wang Guoqiang to be in trouble for the money.

"Are you paying? Give it to me!"

Director Wu heard Zhou Zixu's words, and when he saw the examination and hospitalization slips he had brought, he hurried over to rush to pay.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu was not polite, and threw the list to him directly, with a cold face, turned around and went to the emergency room again, still worried about the child.

Director Wu was a little frustrated, mainly because of Zhou Zixu's attitude, which made him angry.

"Son, how much money do you have in your pocket?"

It's a big talk, but director Wu usually doesn't carry money, and puts it in the hands of his wife, so, holding the payment slip, he looked at his son.

"I only have ten yuan in my pocket, and the rest is spent on drinking."

Captain Wu rummaged through his pockets, only took out ten yuan, and looked at his father in embarrassment.

"What about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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