Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1622 Can You Forgive Him?

Chapter 1622 Can You Forgive Him?

Director Wu has said everything, and now if he has no money to find Zhou Zixu, according to his personality, he will definitely be scolded.

"Press it with your work ID. It's at the cash register. I'll go home and get the money."

Captain Wu took off his cotton cap and scratched his head vigorously, not to mention thinking of a useful solution.

"Forget it, let the driver go back to get the money, you're still drunk! Don't make any more troubles, don't pass this year."

Director Wu waved his hand and strode away with the payment slip.

In terms of the arrogance of an iron-blooded man, although Captain Wu is young, he is not as imposing as his father.

In the emergency room, Xiao Mingyuan's injuries had all been healed. Wang Guoqiang carefully held his son and planned to take him to take a film.

Zhou Zixu stayed by his side all the time, helping to pull the wheelchair and let Mingyuan sit on it.

Walking out of the emergency room with the nurse, Captain Wu was the only one left outside. Director Wu didn't know where he went?
"how is everything?"

Captain Wu saw the door of the emergency room opened, so he hurried over to ask.

When he saw Xiao Mingyuan sitting in a wheelchair, his heart suddenly became tense. If he is really paralyzed, can Vice Minister Wang forgive him?

"It's not over yet!"

When his son woke up, Wang Guoqiang's anger also subsided a little. Seeing Captain Wu's face pale with fright, he couldn't bear it, so he replied.

"Is your leg hurt?"

Captain Wu swallowed his saliva and asked, pointing to the child's leg.

"Why don't you wish the child well?"

Zhou Zixu stabbed him angrily, not liking his appearance, glared at him coldly, and pushed Xiao Mingyuan towards the filming studio first.

"Brother Wang, you see, I didn't do it on purpose. I'm really sorry. I'm responsible for the child's medical expenses and nutrition expenses."

Captain Wu scolded Zhou Zixu furiously in his heart, but he didn't dare to confront him publicly. He knew Zhou Zixu's character well. If you offended him, don't expect to have a good life. If you don't make trouble, he won't give up.

So, I just watched Wang Guoqiang pretend to be pitiful and apologize.

"If there is nothing wrong with the child, you don't need to pay compensation, but Lao Wu! You are in your 30s, you are not a young man, and you don't have a driver. If you drink alcohol, let him take you back. This is not a big deal, but a real deal. For those who celebrate the new year, who can live well?"

Wang Guoqiang looked at him with a frown. They both grew up together, and their parents had a good relationship, so they couldn't pursue him deeply, but he still taught him a lesson.

For nothing else, it is his son today, but who is it tomorrow?
There are so many children in the compound, it's impossible to bump into anyone!

"Yes, I will stop drinking after the Chinese New Year."

Captain Wu nodded in agreement, he said it nicely, but he didn't care about it in his heart.

At worst, let the driver drive in the future, what else?
But on the surface, we still need to have an attitude, whoever makes himself a wronged person now.

I was not happy when Wang Guoqiang taught him a lesson, but he is just a director, one level higher than himself, how can he speak like a leader to his subordinates when admonishing him?
No wonder you are friends with Zhou Zixu, who do you learn from?Do you understand respecting the old and loving the young?It's just that the dissatisfaction in his heart didn't show on his face, and he still kept smiling.

Wang Guoqiang didn't want to say more, seeing that he had apologized and was so sincere, he didn't want to pursue it anymore, and strode towards the filming studio, hoping that his son was just a little bit of a trauma.

Otherwise, this year will be spent in the hospital.

Director Wu came back with the payment slip. Where is his job?The cashier's office called the dean, all of them gave the green light, and even found a high-ranking ward for the ward.

Seeing his son standing in the corridor with dark eyes, he strode over and asked in a low voice, "Have you come out yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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