Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1623 Zhou Zixu is Really Excellent

Chapter 1623 Zhou Zixu is Really Excellent
The longer the rescue, the more serious it proved, and he began to get nervous.

"It's okay, let's go to film."

Captain Wu replied irritably, took off his cotton cap and threw it on the bench, sat down, stretched his legs, looked up at the roof, feeling so aggrieved that he was about to explode.

"Then what happened to you?"

Director Wu frowned and asked his son, he should be happy that the child is fine, why does he still seem to be preoccupied?

"Dad, should I file a promotion report? Wang Guoqiang joined the team with me. He is the director. I am still the team leader. Zhou Zixu climbs faster, and the deputy director is riding on my neck. Aggrieved."

Captain Wu took a deep breath, and looked at his father complainingly. Going to a training school is a shortcut to upgrade, but he doesn't even fight for him.

"Let's do this! After the Chinese New Year, there is a goal of going to a training school. Let me see if I can help you get one."

Director Wu sighed, this envy can't come, the unit wants to cultivate outstanding talents, of course it has to pick them, Zhou Zixu is really outstanding, broke many records in the competition, he is the key training object of our department, and he is also the pride of the department.

Although Wang Guoqiang is not as strong as Zhou Zixu, his skill training and assessment are even better than his own son.

Promotions are all done after research by superiors. They are promoted according to seniority. Whoever makes his son inferior to them in everything will naturally not fall on him.

"Okay, it's so aggrieved to be suppressed by others like this. I can't even speak. Zhou Zixu sneered, as if I bumped into his child, and his wife bullied my wife. It's not because he is higher than me. He Is Dad higher than you?"

Captain Wu gritted his teeth and chatted with his father, with deep resentment in his eyes.

Zhou Zixu didn't know that Captain Wu had complained about him, and even if he knew, he didn't care.

I just look down on his style, small-minded, not manly enough to do things, and not responsible.

Moreover, if he dared to teach Captain Wu face to face, he was not afraid that he would hate him.

It's not Zhou Zixu's style to be afraid of things. If the sky falls, he will be covered with a quilt, so he still cares about Captain Wu?

The results of the child's filming came out soon. While waiting, Wang Guoqiang hurriedly walked back and forth in the corridor. If his son became disabled, he would be ashamed to see his wife.

"Nothing, no broken bones."

The doctor who took the film came out, took three films, and comforted Wang Guoqiang with a smile.

"Great, thank you doctor."

Wang Guoqiang held the doctor's hand tightly and thanked him excitedly.

"Hiss, you guys are so strong when you're an iron-blooded man."

The doctor gasped, smiled, withdrew his hand, and hid it behind his back.

"Brother Wang, send the child to the ward, or go home?"

Zhou Zixu saw that the inspection was all right, and the stone in his heart fell to the ground. He stepped forward and asked Wang Guoqiang what he meant.

"Stay in the hospital overnight for observation! If you're fine, you'll be discharged tomorrow."

Wang Guoqiang is more rigorous in his work. He is afraid that if there is something he hasn't checked, if his son goes home and something goes wrong, he will rush to the hospital and waste time.

"It's okay, observe for one night, anyway, I have brought everything, I will contact the ward."

"I have contacted all the wards. In the high-ranking ward, only the child is silent."

Director Wu strode over, speaking with pride.

Zhou Zixu glanced at him, but didn't say anything, he wouldn't say anything about what the old man liked to do.

He glared at Captain Wu, hid behind his father when the accident happened, and let the old man run away, are you embarrassed?

Director Wu saw the film in Wang Guoqiang's hand, his eyes flickered, and he asked Wang Guoqiang with concern.

"Son. How's the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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