Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1624 Demotion by 1 Level

Chapter 1624 Demotion by one level

"It's nothing serious. I'll stay in the hospital for observation for one night and see what's going on. If there's nothing wrong, I'll go home tomorrow."

Wang Guoqiang is simple and honest, and speaks out what is in his heart.

Zhou Zixu could see clearly, Director Wu seemed to be relieved.

Bending down to look at Wang Mingyuan in the wheelchair, he asked him with concern in the loving voice of an elder.

"Good boy, tell Grandpa, where does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Xiao Mingyuan didn't call Grandpa, but replied directly, he doesn't like this Grandpa Wu, his smile is so fake.

"Father, let's go!"

He looked up at his father and asked to leave.

"Okay, let's go to the ward!"

Wang Guoqiang nodded. At the moment, he is very loving to his son, and his voice is not harsh but warm.

"Nurse, come here and send the child to the single ward."

Director Wu stood up straight and gave orders to the nurse in a dignified tone, as if he was lecturing his subordinates.

Zhou Zixu didn't want to look at him, so he went directly to the duty room and called home. Grandpa and Sihui must be very worried.

After making the phone call and coming to the ward, I saw my father and elder brother also coming, as well as Uncle Wang and Mingyuan's mother.

At this time, Mingyuan's mother was holding the child and was crying sadly. Wang put his hands behind his back and looked at his grandson with a sullen face.

Don't look at the strict education at ordinary times, but when the child is in trouble, it is very distressing.

"Fortunately, the child is only a superficial wound."

Director Wu was sweating coldly, but still gritted his teeth and explained to Wang with a smile.

If the child is fine, the king will not be so angry.

"Captain Wu, you go back and write a review."

Zhou Zisong looked at Captain Wu with a cold face. He could still smell the alcohol after so long. He saw his car when he got home. The deep brake marks on the ground showed how fast he was going.


Captain Wu was afraid of Zhou Zisong, so he saluted honestly and agreed. It is estimated that punishment will be necessary, but he hoped that his promotion would not be affected.

"Your car allocation will be canceled in the future."

Wang suddenly opened his mouth, and Captain Wu raised his head suddenly, canceling the allocation of the car, how to get to the unit back and forth?Besides, how embarrassing it is?

"Okay, okay, cancel."

Seeing his son's reluctance, Director Wu gave him a hard look, and agreed with a smile.

It's just a temporary cancellation, at worst, I send my son to work every day, as long as Deputy Wang can calm down.

Wang glanced at him indifferently, he saw the dissatisfaction and resistance in Captain Wu's eyes, he clenched his big hands behind his back, and decided not to tolerate it.

Looking at Zhou Zisong, he ordered in a cold voice: "Zhou Zisong, your subordinates drink and rampage in the family building, and they will be punished according to discipline."

Zhou Zisong looked serious, and he saluted and agreed, "Yes, according to the discipline of the unit, Captain Wu will write a self-criticism for three days and be demoted by one level."

He said it in accordance with the discipline of the unit, and he did not punish him severely, and of course he did not deal with it lightly.

The smile on Director Wu's face froze, and he was demoted by one level, from captain to deputy captain?

It is honorable to be promoted in the unit, but it is shameful to be demoted. It takes at least three years for the deputy captain to be promoted to the captain.

Just now, his son still disliked his low position and wanted to study in a training school. If he was really punished for being demoted, he would not be eligible to go to a training school.

"Wang, the child is wrong, and other punishments are fine. Can you accommodate our friendship for many years and don't be demoted."

Looking at Wang begging hard, for the sake of his son, he did not hesitate to speak soft words.

Wang looked at Captain Wu and saw that his eyes were dark and his lips were tightly pursed, as if he was wronged. Did he think the punishment was severe?

(End of this chapter)

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