Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1625 Kill 1 as an example

Chapter 1625
Minister Wang's face turned cold. He was acting in accordance with the unit's regulations. This is hitting his children. What if he hit ordinary people? How much impact will it have on the unit?

He must be punished and killed as an example to others.

"Old Wang, let me beg you, okay? Give the child a chance, we can be regarded as friends in the next life, my son didn't hit your grandson on purpose."

Director Wu risked everything for his son, and begged Minister Wang to talk about the relationship between the two families, hoping that he would not be open.

"Dad, forget it! Write a self-criticism and close the small black house, and you will be demoted seriously."

Wang Guoqiang's face is low, and he really can't stand it anymore. Why does he feel like his family is forcing Captain Wu.

I had to come forward to speak for Captain Wu, pity his old father, begging others for him, why does this man still look unconvinced?
"Captain Wu, it's really yours, won't you apologize? In the unit, the station staff will accept punishment for making mistakes. When it comes to you, your father has to come out to intercede for you. What's your grievance?"

Zhou Zixu couldn't see Captain Wu's behavior, raised his unruly eyebrows, and looked at Captain Wu sarcastically, this is not his subordinate, otherwise he would be fired directly, who would give him face?
Captain Wu looked at Zhou Zixu angrily, clenched his big hands tightly, and cursed in his heart: "What's the matter with you? Eat salty radish and don't worry about it. It's so fucking annoying to always jump forward and backward."

Cursing in his heart, this look is naturally not a good look, Zhou Zixu smiled at him arrogantly and coldly: "Unconvinced, do you want to hit me?"

"Zhou Zixu, you are too deceitful. I was wrong, and I have already admitted my mistake. As for running on me like this? You don't have time to drink?"

Captain Wu was completely enraged when he saw his appearance, his gloomy face twitched, his hands clenched into fists, and blue veins protruded from the back of his palms.

Pulling his neck and yelling at Zhou Zixu, he expressed all the dissatisfaction in his heart.

"Hey, this is your true face, are you justified in being wrong?"

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a sneer, with a distraught look, where is there any demeanor that a man of iron and blood should have?
"Zixu, don't say a few words."

Zhou Zisong pulled his younger brother, it's not good to be too aggressive.

After all, Captain Wu is his subordinate, so it's not up to Zhou Zixu to take care of him if he makes a mistake.

"How do you say that? Zixu is for your own good, Vice Minister Zhou, my son drank alcohol today, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Director Wu broke out in a sweat, pushed his son hard, and smiled at Zhou Zisong. He knew who was his son's immediate boss and who he couldn't offend.

Minister Wang frowned and looked at Director Wu. He was an old comrade. Seeing that his face was flushed with anxiety for his son, and he felt sorry for the parents of the world, he decided to let Captain Wu go.

"Zisong, let's do it this way! The review is written normally, and the small black room will be closed for three days, and the demotion will be fine."

Minister Wang's stern face was not angry and majestic. As a leader, what he said was an order, and there was no doubt about it. Zhou Zisong naturally had to obey the order.


Zhou Zisong saluted Minister Wang and agreed, and looked at Captain Wu with a cold look. He didn't know how to repent, but he was really disappointed in him.

"Yes, you have found it, you have a good father."

Zhou Zixu looked at Captain Wu sarcastically. Just now, he looked like he wanted to fight himself desperately. According to this attitude, he will not change.

Captain Wu gave him a cold look, he didn't want to maintain his superficial politeness, he snorted coldly, and walked out the door.

Minister Wang frowned and looked at his back, and said something to Director Wu.

"Old Wu, your son is not good at measuring and is easily impulsive. You have to educate him well."

(End of this chapter)

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