Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1626 You have a big heart

Chapter 1626 You have a big heart

Director Wu's face was green and white, and he said yes repeatedly in embarrassment.

I am so annoyed, I feel like I was slapped in the face by Minister Wang. My son is in his 30s, not a child. Using the word education well, doesn’t it mean that he is not as good as a three-year-old child?

Lu Sihui had dinner with her daughter, and Yuyan was unhappy, neither meat nor fish could arouse her interest.

"eat more."

She picked out the fishbone and put it in the daughter's bowl. Children will be very smart if they eat more fish.

"Mom, why hasn't brother Mingyuan come back?"

Swift poked the fish with chopsticks, but she didn't intend to eat it. She stared at her mother with big watery eyes.

"Yuyan, he's fine, why do you keep thinking about him? It's not your real brother."

Lu Sihui hasn't waited to speak yet!Dongsheng was upset first, his younger sister kissed Ming Yuan more than him.


Li Yanhong yelled her son's name with a sullen face. They were all children playing together. Wang Mingyuan had an accident, shouldn't he be concerned?
"Dongsheng, you can't do this, do you understand unity and friendship?"

Mr. Zhou frowned and looked at Dongsheng. He had great expectations of him and hoped that he would succeed. After all, he was the orphan of Zisong Zhanyou. He was not well educated and was ashamed of his entrustment.

"Yes, I understand."

Dong Sheng lowered his head and agreed gloomily.

How do you talk about him?That Mingyuan not only robbed his sister, even the grandfather and mother turned to him.

"I don't know what happened to the child?"

Mr. Zhou sighed, and he couldn't eat it. Seeing that the child bleeds so much, can he be okay?

After the son and grandson came back, they went to the hospital non-stop. Now, like Zixu, they never returned.

"Grandpa, let's eat! It's okay."

Lu Sihui picked up the belly of the fish for her grandfather. It has no thorns, and the meat is delicate. It is the most delicious part of the fish.

"You have such a big heart."

When Mr. Zhou complained, Lu Sihui just smiled. She didn't have a big heart, but a deep heart.

A bowl of rice was eaten up, and Lu Sihui was very satisfied with her craftsmanship, especially the fish, which had no fishy smell at all.

"Mom, you are cruel."

Lu Sihui was about to serve herself another bowl of rice, when Swift at the side looked at her and said something faintly.

Lu Sihui was amused: "Little girl, why am I so cruel?"

"Eat so much."

Little Swift pouted and looked at her mother, muttering softly.

"Why don't I eat when I'm hungry? Just because your brother Mingyuan was injured? I have to be hungry? Who are you?"

Lu Sihui nodded her daughter's nose. The girl is extroverted. Did she give birth to someone else as a daughter?


Li Yanhong just took a sip of the soup, when she heard the conversation between Lu Sihui and Little Swift, she spit it out immediately.

"Cough cough cough."

"Sister-in-law, slow down, no one will grab you."

Lu Sihui looked at Li Yanhong with a smile, her face turned red from coughing, why was she excited?
"You really deserve to be mother and daughter."

Li Yanhong wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, the conversation between the two girls was so funny.

"Of course, who is she not like me?"

Lu Sihui said with a serious face, but after she finished speaking, her face turned dark.
I'm not as unpromising as Swift, okay?
It was Zixu who was chasing her, but never before.

Li Yanhong looked at Sihui's heartbroken expression, lowered her head in a funny way, and put the bowl of soup aside, she didn't want to spray any more.

Mr. Zhou kept looking at his watch, Baichuan and Zisong had been gone for two hours, why didn't anyone come back?
Looking at the two granddaughters-in-law who were joking, he coughed twice to attract their attention before discussing, "Let's go and see?"

(End of this chapter)

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