Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1627 Amusing Children Like This

Chapter 1627 Amusing Children Like This

"Alright, bring some food for Brother Wang and Zixu."

It was only then that Lu Sihui remembered that it was not good for her to talk and laugh like this before Mingyuan's situation was known.

Put away the smile on his face, and solemnly promised grandpa.

"Yes, bring something to eat."

Mr. Zhou pushed away his chair and stood up. Minister Wang's family was an only child. Although the two families were just joking, he also liked Mingyuan's child very much and hoped to become his great-grandson-in-law.

"Aunt Su, pack the rice into two bowls and take the elbow meat. Then... I'll fry the cabbage and fungus."

Since Lu Sihui decided to go, she immediately told Aunt Su to get busy without wasting time.

"What am I doing?"

Li Yanhong hurriedly pushed aside the stool and stood up, she wanted to help.

"Sister-in-law, just watch a few children."

Lu Sihui didn't need her help, but the four treasures couldn't be separated from others, so they were all handed over to Li Yanhong.

"Mom, I'm going to see brother Mingyuan too."

When I heard that I was going to the hospital, Little Swift couldn't sit still anymore, she jumped off the stool, ran to find out the cotton-padded jacket and hat by herself, and insisted on following.

"Don't go."

Lu Sihui scolded her daughter with staring eyes.


Little Swift stared at her mother with a straight neck, why didn't she let her see brother Mingyuan?
"Because I'm ruthless."

Lu Sihui spoke to her daughter in a leisurely manner, seeing Little Swift's blushing face and staring at her mother who was about to cry, Li Yanhong almost burst into laughter again.

"Sihui, it's enough for you, teasing the child like this?"

She pushed Lu Sihui in the past, how can there be such a naughty mother?
"I'm going to cook."

Lu Sihui gave her daughter a cold look, it wasn't that she insisted on provoking her with what she said.

But now it is 08:30, Swift should go to bed instead of going to the hospital.

"Bad mother."

Seeing that her plan to see Mingyuan's brother had failed, Yuyan finally couldn't help crying, and while crying, she pointed at Lu Sihui and called her bad mother.

"Dare you say one more thing?"

Lu Sihui's face turned dark immediately, her whole body felt chilly, she stared at her daughter and asked her in a cold voice.

Yuyan was so frightened that she stopped crying, choked and looked at her mother, not daring to say another word.

"Okay, scare the kid."

Aunt Su protects Swift behind her in distress. The child is only four years old, what should I do if I get scared?
Lu Sihui went to the kitchen with a dark face, and when she had the opportunity, she had to teach her a lesson, because she couldn't tell the difference between the big and the big.

"Yuyan, how can you say that about mother?"

Mr. Zhou taught Swift a lesson with a sullen face. He is usually very well-behaved. Why is he disobedient today?

"Grandpa, I want to see brother Mingyuan."

It was only after Lu Sihui entered the kitchen that Yuyan dared to cry. She hugged the grandfather's leg and strongly demanded to see Wang Mingyuan.

"Okay, don't cry, my grandfather will take you there."

Chinese New Year is approaching, and Mr. Zhou is also afraid that Swift will get angry from crying, so he decides to take the child with him.

At the same time, I feel that the relationship between Yuyan and Mingyuan is really good, and maybe they can really become a family in the future.

When Lu Sihui got into the car with the food, she saw her daughter hiding in her grandfather's arms. She gave her a look, but didn't push her back.

Start the engine and drive Zhou Zixu's car towards the city hospital.

Swift goes to bed at 08:30 every day, and when the time comes, her eyelids can't help but stick together.

However, in order to be able to see brother Mingyuan, the little girl put her hands on her eyelids and tried her best not to fall asleep.

Seeing her daughter's actions from the rearview mirror, Lu Sihui couldn't help but hum a lullaby.

"The moon is bright, the wind is quiet, and the shadows of the trees cover the windows"

She sang very sweetly, and her voice was soft on purpose, Swift listened to it, dropped her hands, and fell asleep leaning against Grandpa's arms.

"Sihui, grandpa hasn't noticed yet! Are you so bad?"

(End of this chapter)

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