Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1632 Beat until he can be a man

Chapter 1632 Beat until he can be a man
Zhao Yaozu was smoking a cigarette, and when he heard about his youngest son's ink smear again, his voice was quite loud, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

He was so angry that he knocked the cigarette pot on the ground and stared at his youngest son.

It was supposed to be Chinese New Year, and he didn't want to disturb the family, especially since the youngest son only came back once a year, so he would not be mentioned if he could pass.

Unexpectedly, this kid, with a small belly, can grind every day with just a little food and drink.

"How did you learn this way? I knew you would become this kind of virtue when you went to college. I might as well not let you go? You didn't learn it. You have high eyes but low hands. You come back like a master. You can't understand everything at home. You hate it. Dislike that, this wild boar was given to your elder brother and me by Zixu, what right do you have to inscribe it? Did you spend a penny, or did you put in a little effort?"

Being scolded by his father, Zhao Jinchuan didn't feel that he was wrong, but felt that he was vulgar and unreasonable.

"Even if he gave it to you, don't you need money for oil, fire, or spices? Besides, there's still food! So many people live for free, don't they want to leave during the Chinese New Year? It's rare to come back, you Just let me be in this environment every day? I can’t even read a book.”

After finishing speaking, he still felt puzzled, pushed his glasses hard, and lay down on the kang with a book to read.

It's completely like, you are uneducated and unreasonable, and I disdain to quarrel with you.

Zhao Yaozu was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and wanted to beat him up with a pipe and pot. If he didn't know how to behave, he beat him until he knew how to behave.

"Head of the house, don't fight, it's a big fight, and the villagers will hear it, isn't it embarrassing for Jin Chen?"

Zhou Guifang hurriedly stopped her husband, refusing to let him beat her son. She was very smart, so it was useless for Jin Chuan to just come back to talk about it. Instead, she said that she was afraid of embarrassing her eldest son.

Zhao Yaozu was afraid of affecting Jin Chen, so he had to give up. He glared at Zhao Jinchuan angrily, pointed at him with a cigarette pot, and cursed in a low voice.

"If you dare to stab again, don't blame me for being rude. If you dare to show your comrades face, you will get out immediately."

When his father was about to call, Zhao Jinchuan was too scared to make a sound, but seeing his mother stop him, he regained his energy.

"Who is your son? Why don't you distinguish between the inside and the outside?"

Sitting up dissatisfied, he blamed his father.

He came all the way back to see him, but he wanted to kick him out, what kind of dad is this?Stepfather?
Angry in his heart, he looked at his father with no kindness in his eyes, glared at his father angrily, and threw Zhao Yaozu's cigarette pot at his head in anger.

"Who the hell are you talking about? I'm your old man."

Zhao Jinchuan was so frightened that he got up, and the cigarette pot fell on the spot where he was lying down just now, and there was also Mars!
He secretly glanced at his father, his eyes were wide open, his face was livid, as if he was very angry.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so he can't force him.

Jumping off the kang, muttering in a low voice: "You are old and I will let you."

Then, quickly ran out of the east room.

Zhao Yaozu wanted to chase him out and beat him, but his daughter-in-law firmly held him back: "Calm down, don't do this, comrades saw the joke."

"You're used to it. Yuying is like this, and so is the second child. They are all selfish things."

Zhao Yaozu pushed her violently angrily, pouring all his anger on her.

When her wife mentioned Yuying, Zhou Guifang burst into tears.

The Chinese New Year is only two days away, and there is one less person, and it feels so sad to be a mother.

My wife is stabbing her heart with a knife!Looking at Xiaoying who was trembling in fright, Zhou Guifang hugged the child and burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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