Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1633 Doubt Zhou Changjiang

Chapter 1633 Doubt Zhou Changjiang
Sitting on the kang with her mouth covered, her heart felt like a pinprick: "Yuying, I feel so sorry for my mother. Where are you? Are you cold, hungry, or being bullied by other ghosts? Let my mother care for you." Have a dream!"

Hearing his wife call his daughter's name, Zhao Yaozu sat down on the kang like a deflated ball, his energy and spirit seemed to be taken away by someone, and he aged several years.

On the [-]st, I just stewed the meat into the pot, and today I made stewed wild pork with dried beans and vegetables.

Dried beans are dried in the summer, cut into shreds, exposed to the sun, dried up, put away, and hung in the yard in net bags.

Soak it in water overnight before eating, the stewed meat is very delicious.

In addition, there are dried eggplants, which are also cut into slices and exposed to the sun in autumn. They are stored and eaten in winter.

Zhao Jinchuan ran out of the east room with a gloomy face, and when he saw No. [-], he didn't call his sister-in-law, snorted coldly, and slammed the door out.

No. [-] looked at his back coldly. The brother-in-law was acting too much, and she was unwilling to talk to him because of the face of her husband and in-laws.

But I wanted to deal with this kid for a long time in my heart, and I would be honest after a beating.

I don't know where the arrogance comes from, but everyone looks aloof.

He asked his elder brother for money, and he was confident, as if everyone owed him.


She took a breath, is her character too irritable?
"what happened?"

Zhao Jinchen heard the slamming of the door and came out from the west room to look. Three policemen followed behind him, and they all looked at No. [-] together.


Seeing Jin Chen's colleague on the [-]st, he swallowed back the jokes that came to his lips.

Forget it, the family ugliness cannot be exposed.
"Why are you crying?"

Zhao Jinchen's hearing is very good. He heard his mother's suppressed crying in the east room, so he asked his wife in a low voice.

"Thinking of your sister."

No. [-] was silent for a moment before speaking out slowly.

Zhao Jinchen's face darkened when he heard this, his Adam's apple slipped back and forth, his sister was a pain that this family couldn't touch.

"We're going out to handle the case, and we'll be back in a while."

The kitchen was filled with the smell of stewed beans. Zhao Jinchen took a deep look at his wife. After marrying him on the first day, he learned to cook from his mother and took the initiative to take on the responsibility of supporting the family. He saw her efforts.

I am more grateful to her in my heart. She chose to marry him when she was in the most difficult time.


Seeing the gratitude in Jin Chen's eyes on the [-]st, the unwillingness and anger in his heart disappeared long ago, and he smiled softly at him, agreeing crisply.

"Sister-in-law, you have worked hard."

The three policemen were all embarrassed, and they ate at Zhao's house every day, at least twice a day, just in time for the Chinese New Year.

No one is rich, especially Zhao Jinchen, they all know how difficult his family is.

"It's not hard."

Number One felt a little embarrassed. She was not good at communicating with people. She only had to obey orders in the unit and didn't need to deal with other things. She also had a lot of chatting among comrades.

"Let's go! Zhao Wu, you and Meng Guoqiang will go to Sun's house, and I will go to Zhou's house."

Zhao Jinchen understood his daughter-in-law's character, so he helped her out and gave orders to his colleagues directly.

It is worth mentioning that because of Zhao Jinchen's excellent investigative ability and hard-working character, he won the favor of the leaders. After the original criminal investigation team leader was promoted, he was directly promoted to the criminal investigation team leader.

Therefore, these people are his subordinates, and they have to carry out the assigned tasks.

Zhao Yaozu opened the door and came out. His daughter-in-law was crying, which upset him. He wanted to walk around the yard, and when he heard his son's words as soon as he went out, he asked with a frown.

"The Zhou family? Do you doubt Zhou Changjiang?"

(End of this chapter)

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