Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1646 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Chapter 1646 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

"Don't call the police. My mother-in-law seems to have money in her pocket. I'll go and find it for you."

Li Lanni spoke in a panic, jumped off the bed, and ran to find her mother-in-law's pockets.

The speed is fast, the doctors and nurses are dumbfounded, is this a patient?Or the half-dead man just now?
"Our family is poor, we only have 100 yuan, do you think it is enough?"

Li Lanni carefully handed over the money to the doctor. She couldn't get any more money, just enough for today's rescue expenses. As for this old man, he doesn't care about life or death.

"It's enough for the time being, but you have to go back and pay for it. The deposit for hospitalization is 300 yuan, which is only enough for emergency treatment and two drips."

Li Lanni's face turned dark when she heard 300 yuan, where did she get the money?
"I have no place to get money, just enough for your rescue expenses today, I will ask the village people to take my mother-in-law back tomorrow."

Li Lanni looked at the doctor timidly, and said something pitiful.

Doctors can't force people to take money, as long as they don't owe money to the hospital, what can they say?

"Do it yourself!"

The doctor sighed. This pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law really opened his eyes.

It is fair for a mother-in-law to care whether her daughter-in-law lives or die, and for a daughter-in-law to care about her mother-in-law's life or death.

Naturally, this amount of money cannot be used to arrange hospitalization, and it is now in the middle of the night, and the doctor opened a temporary bed for the old lady to sleep for the night.

Do your best to be honest.

"Arrange an intravenous drip for her. I'm most afraid of having a cerebral infarction, which will cause paralysis."

The doctor ordered the nurse to leave the emergency room, and the nurse handed Li Lanni the bill issued by the doctor, urging her to pay the bill, and then pushed Aunt Zhou into the corridor and put on a hanging bottle.

Li Lanni took the payment slip to pay, and looked at the roll of banknotes in her hand, Okawa knot, five yuan, and one yuan, two yuan, adding up to 120 seven yuan, the doctor's bill said: Pay 100 yuan.

Looking at the money that was still in her hands, she was reluctant to hand it over. All she could think about was Aunt Zhou's abuse of her. She looked back with resentment in her eyes. The nurse was busy administering an IV, so she didn't pay attention to her at all.

Biting her lower lip, her heart was tangled, her eyes were uncertain, and finally she decided to run away.

With his head down, trying to reduce his sense of existence, he hurried towards the hospital gate.

"Stop, I'm calling the police."

There was a loud echo in the corridor. As soon as she ran, the nurse found out and yelled behind her, and she had already started calling for the guards.

"Catch her, trying to get away with money."

The guard strode after her, stopped Li Lanni at the door, and glared at her: "Where are you going? Do you want to escape?"

"No, I'm just in a hurry to go to the bathroom."

After Li Lanni was stopped, she started to quibble. Looking at the gate that was close at hand, she was only one step away. Damn nurse, why isn't she blind?
"Pay the fees."

The security guard ordered her in a cold voice, and Li Lanni was escorted by him to the cashier to pay the money.

In the interrogation room, Zhao Jinchen and his colleagues were interrogating Zhou Bashi and Zhou Changjiang, and the father and son were interrogated separately.

Zhou Bashi looked at Zhao Jinchen who was sitting behind the table with piercing eyes, his heart was disturbed.

The son was also arrested. The bag was not put by his wife, nor by himself. There is only one possibility.

Closing my eyes, I feel like a big rock has been crushed in my heart. My son has just been born for a year or two. Could it be that he is really confused?


Zhao Jinchen looked at Zhou Bashi seriously and asked in a cold voice from a business-like standpoint.

"Jin Chen, you don't know uncle anymore?"

(End of this chapter)

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