Chapter 1647
Zhou looked at Zhao Jinchen with a frown, why such a tone?Also asked his name?


Zhao Jinchen's voice became colder, and he looked at Zhou Bashi majestically, with sharp eyes, not the way we usually meet at home.

"Zhou Muren."

Zhou Bashi replied angrily, looked down at the handcuffs on his hands, and smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you know why I brought you here today?"

Zhao Jinchen put the medicine bag on the table and asked him coldly.

"Jin Chen, tell me why?"

Zhou Bashi looked up at Zhao Jinchen, and the light was shining on him from his side. He couldn't see his expression of wanting to see him, but he could feel his aggressive gaze and the chill all over his body.

"Where were you after seven o'clock in the evening on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month? Can anyone prove it?"

Zhao Jinchen went straight to the point, and he still doesn't want Uncle Zhou to do it.

"I am home!"

Zhou Bashi blurted out, as if thinking of something?His face suddenly changed.

"Who can prove it?"

Zhao Jinchen asked.

"I did it."

Zhou Bashi seemed to have made a very painful decision, looked up at Zhao Jinchen, and gritted his teeth to admit it.

Is this too smooth?

Zhao Jinchen was not happy at all, the interrogation had just begun, even if Zhou Bashi was the one who poisoned him, he should do everything possible to exonerate himself.

It's completely unreasonable to agree so quickly.

He glanced at him calmly, lit a cigarette and walked over to pass it to him.

"You said you did it, then tell us about the process of committing the crime and why."

Zhou Bashi took the cigarette, and Zhao Jinchen noticed that his hands were trembling, and his eyes were filled with death.


The recorder was recording quickly, and Zhao Jinchen returned to his seat and silently lit a cigarette, listening to Zhou Ba's confession quietly.

What he said was too general, and the more he said, the more mistakes and omissions.

"When did you buy the rat poison?"

Zhao Jinchen opened his mouth suddenly, and what Zhou said was not going well, he was stunned for a long time by Zhao Jinchen's question.

"I've bought rat poison for a long time, and the house is full of rats."

He took a deep breath of the cigarette, and when he let it out, the words came out.

At the end of the interrogation, Zhou Bashi was already full of big men. When the police were about to take him away, he suddenly looked up at Zhao Jinchen.

"Jin Chen, how many years will I be sentenced?"

There was fear of the unknown in his voice, his eyes seemed to be caught by wild wolves, and there was no hope of escape.

"If it is confirmed that it is you, at least five years and less than seven years in prison, uncle, are you defending someone?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at him and told him word by word, and finally asked a question suddenly.

"Ah? No. I did it. I was jealous of your family's easy life, so I went to poison you."

Zhou Bashi's eyes flashed without hesitation, and he insisted that he did it.

"Take it down! Uncle, I'll give you a night to think about it. Is it worth it to help others take the blame?"

Looking at the confession, Zhao Jinchen found that many of them were unreasonable, even contradictory.

Looking up at him, she asked him in a deep voice.

I don't want to wrong a good person, and I don't want to let the real evildoer go.

"Ah? No, I did it, Jin Chen, uncle, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for your father, I shouldn't be obsessed with ghosts and jealous of your family."

"Uncle, you don't even know what you put poison in, and you still say you did it?"

Zhao Jinchen slammed on the table, and the sound was so loud that Zhou Bashi fell from the stool to the ground.

Looking at Zhao Jinchen with a pale face, the sweat on his head became more urgent: "I forgot, I was too scared at the time, and ran away after poisoning."

(End of this chapter)

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