Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1648 1 twist 3 twists

Chapter 1648

Zhou Bashi was stunned for a moment, insisting that he was the one who poisoned him. Zhao Jinchen waved to the guarding police and told him to take him down first.

I already have a conclusion in my heart, and there is only one person who can defend Zhou Bashi desperately.
As soon as he walked out of the interrogation room, he saw Zhao Wu and the others walking into the office in frost and snow.

Sun Boxiang came with them. He was handcuffed. Since he came in, he seemed very nervous, with his eyes rolling back and forth in their sockets.

When he saw Zhao Jinchen, he shouted to him as if he had found a relative: "Jinchen, it's me, I'm your uncle grandson, please tell them quickly, I'm a good person, a very good person, They got the wrong guy."

"be honest."

Zhao Wu gave him a push. In the middle of the night, there were also police officers on duty!What are you shouting for?
Zhao Jinchen frowned and walked over. Could there be something wrong with him?

After becoming a policeman, I encountered many bizarre cases, but I didn't expect that the poisoning case that happened in my own home would also have twists and turns?
"Jin Chen, uncle didn't do anything bad, by the way, I have something to tell you."

Seeing Zhao Jinchen approaching, Sun Boxiang eagerly leaned towards him and blocked it with his hands, as if he wanted to tell him a top-secret matter.

"Uncle, follow me into the interrogation room. What you say is testimony and needs to be recorded."

Zhao Jinchen waved his hand to prevent him from approaching, and walked to the interrogation room first.

Sun Boxiang thought of Zhou Bashi he met at the door before, his eyes flickered, and he followed Zhao Jinchen into the interrogation room.

"Sit down, you can start talking."

Zhao Jinchen raised his hand to let Sun Boxiang sit down, with a serious face, and directed the recorder to start recording.

"That's what happened"

Sun Boxiang began to explain.
Zhou family,

When the family returned home, Zhou Baichuan was very exhausted. After tossing around until midnight, he was finally home.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw her granddaughter sitting on the sofa. Swift looked as if she was angry, and there were still wet tears on her face.

Seeing grandpa, he didn't run over as usual, and acted coquettishly to ask him to hug him.

Lu Sihui went in to change her shoes, and felt a dissatisfied look. She moved her eyes, and without saying a word, she took off her coat and hung it on the hanger.

"Yuyan, why haven't you slept yet?"

After seeing his daughter, Zhou Zixu asked with a smile, the little guy seems to be in a bad mood?Is it a nightmare?Still looking for mother?
"Yuyan, aren't you happy to see grandpa?"

Zhou Baichuan walked towards his granddaughter, with a rare smile on his face, only when facing his granddaughter and grandson, the lines on his face were softer.

"Grandpa, Mom is a liar."

Yuyan found someone to sue, she threw herself into her grandfather's arms and cried for Lu Sihui to wear shoes.

"Sihui, what are you doing to her?"

Zhou Zixu didn't know, so he turned his face and asked his wife in a low voice.

Lu Sihui glanced at him, shrugged, and said nothing.

"What did Mom lie to you?"

Zhou Baichuan helped his granddaughter wipe away tears, and asked her softly.

"Hey, didn't it mean that Swift wanted to go to the hospital to see Mingyuan, then fell asleep, and Sihui sent her back."

Mr. Zhou helped to explain, watching Swift educate her in a deep voice: "You are asleep, mom is afraid that you will catch a cold, it is good for you, why are you complaining to mom?"

"That's it?"

Zhou Zixu laughed when he heard it, and looked at his daughter-in-law and winked narrowly. It's not bad that a daughter-in-law is affectionate at such a young age!

Lu Sihui glared at him, and said to him with her lips: "Are you laughing?"

Zhou Baichuan tucked the messy hair on his granddaughter's cheeks behind his ears, picked up the child, and looked at Lu Sihui seriously: "Sihui, how can you lie to your child? You have to do what you promised."

(End of this chapter)

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