Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1649 Did You Pretend Today

Chapter 1649 Did You Pretend Today


Lu Sihui doesn't know what to say, is her father-in-law too used to Swift?
He said lightly, "The temperature is low tonight, I'm afraid she'll catch a cold, so I'll take her there tomorrow morning.

Zhou Baichuan nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the granddaughter in his arms: "Go to bed! Don't fall asleep tomorrow morning."

Swift frowned and thought, always feeling that something was wrong, she secretly looked at her mother, her face was so cold, she was a little flustered, she lowered her head, fiddling with her little finger, not daring to make any more requests.

"Sleep! Tomorrow will be the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. I hope Mingyuan can go home for the New Year."

Zhou Zixu was afraid that his father would talk about Lu Sihui again, so he took a breath and went upstairs with his daughter-in-law in his arms. The daughter was left alone, anyway, his father would definitely coax her to sleep tonight.

Back in the room, Lu Sihui simply washed up, changed into pajamas and lay down on the bed.

It's too cold, but it's still warm under the blanket.

"Zixu, go to the criminal investigation team tomorrow and ask Jin Chen if there is any news about the person who poisoned him?"

With one hand resting on his chin, his jet-black eyes watched Zhou Zixu busily washing his face, brushing his teeth, washing his feet, and cleaning himself up.

If the person who poisoned her couldn't be found, she felt suffocated.

By the way, why did you forget the key person? Since Lan Qiuyue and Wu Shuqin judged that they were not satisfied, they had to clean up until they were satisfied.

Zhou Zixu didn't know what Lu Sihui was thinking, he was sitting on a chair soaking his feet, the water was very hot, but he put his feet into the basin as if he didn't feel it.

Hearing his daughter-in-law's question, he also felt that according to Jin Chen's rigorous and vigorous character, he almost had a clue.

"Call Jin Chen tomorrow morning, but, is this a suspicion of urging?"

He still has some concerns, it's only been a few days, is it too urgent?

"There are suspects, footprints, and fingerprints, so what's the difficulty?"

Lu Sihui didn't take it seriously, it wasn't her arrogance, if she were a policeman, she might be able to determine who poisoned her in a day.

Of course, this also depends on the space capsule. After all, in this era, technical investigation methods are still not enough.

Isn't it, I also thought about doing it myself, but in that case, it seems to be disrespectful to Zhao Jinchen.

"You said it lightly. To find out whose footprints belong to dozens of people? It takes a day just to collect evidence, and analysis and comparison? Is it possible to convict only by suspicion?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law amusedly, sometimes he felt that Sihui was extremely smart, but sometimes he felt that she was whimsical.


Lu Sihui fell into silence, turned around and lay flat, looking at the roof.

He decided to give Jin Chen another day. If the time is up and he still can't find the person who poisoned him, she will use the space capsule.

When Zixu came back after washing his feet and pouring water, he found that his daughter-in-law had fallen asleep. She had stood in front of the couch for a while, but had no choice but to take off her clothes and go to bed.

I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and regretted it. Isn't it just to have a happy exercise with my wife?
After thinking about it, I'm still not reconciled, can't do other things, can't I hug her to sleep?

Turning around, Lu Sihui hugged his daughter-in-law with her big arms, as if she knew it, she took the initiative to approach his arms, her hairy head pressed against his heart, bringing an indescribable numbness.

"You didn't fall asleep in such a hurry before. Say, are you pretending today?"

Zhou Zixu patted his daughter-in-law's forehead lightly, and whispered in her ear in a hoarse voice.

The woman in his arms was sleeping peacefully. His words and actions didn't seem to have any effect on her?

"Did you really sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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