Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1659 A rare and strange beauty

Chapter 1659 A rare and strange beauty
The couple drove to the criminal police brigade, and it took only ten minutes. Zixu parked the car in the open space in front of the criminal police brigade, and got out of the car to help Sihui open the door, but she had already walked down by herself.

The air was chilly, and the floating snow was blown up by the north wind and fell all over the sky, it looked like it was snowing again.

"Let's go! I hope Jinchen will go to work today, otherwise I will go to his house to ask about it tonight."

Zhou Zixu came over and said something to his wife, then turned around and saluted the national emblem on the gate of the Criminal Police Brigade, a gentleman is extremely loyal to the country.

Lu Sihui followed him to salute without asking why?What Zixu did must have his reasons.

The two stepped on the snow and walked towards the Criminal Police Brigade.

"Who are you looking for?"

The criminal police guarding the door saw someone coming in, and asked a dignified expression.

After seeing clearly the uniform Zhou Zixu was wearing, he hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

This is a cadre above the leadership level. Although he is not in the same department, his position is much higher than his, and he belongs to the leadership level.

"Good leadership."


Zhou Zixu returned a salute. He was usually arrogant, but he also understood that the other party was not from the same unit. Out of politeness, he should also return the salute.

"Is Zhao Jinchen at work?"

After Zhou Zixu withdrew his hand, he looked at the guard and asked a question.

Jin Chen is now the captain of the 1st criminal investigation team, not Lulu's nameless little criminal 1st policeman, the guard should know him.

"Come, but now go out and arrest people."

Originally, the captain's whereabouts could not be told to others, but Zhou Zixu's position was here, and he called Captain Zhao by his name. Zhao Jinchen had retired from the unit before, and the person in front of him must not be an outsider.

"How long have you been gone?"

Zhou Zixu frowned and looked at his wife, they were a step late.

"It's been a while, maybe I'll be back soon."

Now that they have said it, the guard will make everything clear. As for whether the two want to wait, that is their own business.

"Thank you."

Zhou Zixu nodded his thanks, and took his wife to leave the criminal police brigade first.

"Don't you wait for him?"

Lu Sihui looked at Zixu, she didn't want to just go back like this, now that Captain Wu and his wife must not have left, watching them make trouble.

"Wait, I have a feeling that the person Jin Chen went to arrest must be the poisoner."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand, and looked at her seriously with twinkling peach eyes. Since the guard said that he had been away for a while, even if he went to the countryside to arrest people, it wouldn't take too long.

Lu Sihui looked up at the blue sky. Although the sun was not as scorching and radiant as in summer, there was a circle of colorful light around the sun, coupled with the snowflakes flying all over the sky, it was a rare and strange beauty.

Looking sideways at Zhou Zixu, he smiled and raised his eyebrows to invite him.

"Okay, the sun is out today, we haven't come out to press the road for a long time, let's go?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law's big eyes like black grapes, he was full of smile at this moment, and his raised eyebrows looked so mischievous.

Suddenly, I remembered the scene when the two were dating. It was also a snowy day, and my wife and he had a 1 boo in the snow. She was not willing to admit defeat at all, and always liked to seize the opportunity.

Bold, fiery 1. Hot, let him be intoxicated.

"Let's go."

Zhou Zixu hooked up the meager Chun, showed a bright smile, held his wife's little hand tightly, and the two walked along the sidewalk towards the department store.

"A lot of people!"

The closer it is to the department store, the more people there are, one by one, all wanting to buy some New Year's goods before the Chinese New Year.

"There must not be many people in the movie theater today." Zhou Zixu looked at Lu Sihui sideways and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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