Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1660 What law did this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law break?

Chapter 1660 What law did this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law break?
"Not much, but we still have something to do."

Lu Sihui looked up at him and smiled. She also wanted to go to the movies. She and Zixu hadn't been romantically involved for a long time. After having twins, let alone watching movies, even if they held hands and pressed the road like they are now, it was still a thing. extravagant thing.

"Okay! After the new year, I will find a day to go to the movies with you and have a good time with you."

Regret flashed in Zhou Zixu's eyes, his daughter was still thrown in the hospital!I have to go to see Jin Chen to understand the case. If he and Si Hui go to the movies, it's nothing serious.

"It's almost there, let's go back for a walk!"

Lu Sihui glanced at her watch, she walked for about 15 minutes, and it took 15 minutes to go back, adding up to half an hour, she was anxious to find out about the situation with Jin Chen, and wanted to go back now.

"Let's go drink some mutton soup first! In this weather, drink something hot."

Zhou Zixu breathed a sigh of relief, and saw a burst of white mist flying up. In this weather, dripping water turns into ice.

People in the Northeast are really frost-resistant. I remember that the southern comrades who came to work in the unit had frostbite in the first year, and they didn’t want to go out of the house at all.

When I went to sleep, I didn't take off my cotton jacket and trousers, but I was so cold that I shrank myself into the shape of a prawn.

"All right!"

Lu Sihui wiped off the frost on her eyelashes, blocking her sight.

I glanced at both sides of the street, and there is a halal restaurant. It is not bad to drink some lamb soup and eat two pies.

In the morning, in order to rush to deliver meals to Brother Wang, she, Zixu and Swift didn't have breakfast.

The girl has already had a meal in the hospital, but her stomach is playing tricks.

There were not many people in the restaurant. Although there were quite a few people shopping, they were all busy shopping, and few of them were willing to spend money to eat in the restaurant.

"Two bowls of mutton soup, eight sheets of pie."

Zhou Zixu asked the restaurant owner to order food, but Lu Sihui let him order without saying a word.

She can't eat much by herself, but Zixu can eat very well, eight is not much.

The windows were covered with frost, and it was basically impossible to see the situation outside. While waiting for the pie to be served, Lu Sihui glanced around boredly.

I saw a woman in a cotton coat, with a red scarf wrapped around her head, chatting with two people who were eating at another table.

"Let me tell you, I didn't scare me to death last night."

"Your old Wang just has a broken leg, so he can scare you? Then you are too timid, aren't you?"

The two people at the dinner table curled their lips indifferently. The waiter brought over two bowls of mutton soup. The woman in the red turban glanced at it, swallowed her saliva, and looked away reluctantly.

Tell the waiter: "I want the pie and lamb soup, hold tight, my man's leg is broken, I have to go back quickly."

"Sister-in-law, drink it first! I'll order another bowl."

A man at the same table, looking as if he was embarrassed to eat by himself, pushed the bowl of mutton soup in front of her.

"Then I won't be polite, it's really cold!"

In exchange for this move, his daughter-in-law gave him a hard look, looked at the woman distressedly, began to drink the mutton soup, and sipped her mouth, not embarrassed to come back, but her eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

When Lu Sihui saw this, she was no longer interested in reading it. There are people who like to take advantage of it everywhere. For the sake of stuttering, they don't want their dignity.

"Let me tell you, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law came to the emergency room last night. I went downstairs to buy medicine and saw that the police sent them here. I believed it. I wanted to know what law the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law violated." ?”

The woman ate up the mutton soup in a few mouthfuls, raised her hand to wipe off the oil on her mouth, and started talking again.

(End of this chapter)

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