Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1667 Maybe the daughter is lost

Chapter 1667 Maybe the daughter is lost

Lu Sihui leaned over and looked at Zhou Zixu with pity, what she said was terrifying.

Zhou Zixu gasped, his daughter-in-law stared blankly, looking quite scary.

"Sihui, are you alright?"

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes. How does it feel, she looks weird today.

"What's the matter? Coward."

Lu Sihui smiled, and after throwing a sentence to him, she looked out of the window, the smile on her lips gradually disappeared. Sure enough, Zixu still couldn't accept the fact that she had resurrected with a dead body.

Also, who can believe such a thing?
Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui who suddenly became silent, why did he feel a little sadness in her body?Also, she looks preoccupied.

"Sihui, do you have something on your mind? Tell me, and I'll help you solve it."

Zhou Zixu stretched out his hand to hold Sihui's hand on her knee, and asked her in a low voice.

"No! I'm just tired, and I think about the past again."

Lu Sihui turned her head and forced a smile at him, she could only find this excuse.

"Don't think about it, I can't be with you and protect you for those 19 years, but I won't let anyone bully you in the future."

Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand vigorously and told her the decision in his heart.

He will never let anyone bully her again, and he will be by her side for the rest of his life.

"Hey, I see, I want to haunt you for the rest of my life."

Lu Sihui felt a little swollen in front of her eyes, and she used laughter to cover up the bitterness in her heart.

"Okay, I'll let you haunt me for the rest of my life."

Zhou Zixu looked at her dotingly, his voice was deep and sensual, and his twinkling peachy eyes looked at Sihui burningly.


Lu Sihui was moved in her heart, smiled and pointed to the road ahead.

Really, why did you say this, it made her want to cry.

The two rushed to the hospital, and as soon as they got out of the car, they saw Wang Guoqiang running out of the hospital in a hurry.

"Brother Wang, what's the matter?"

Zhou Zixu rushed to meet him, could it be that something happened to Mingyuan?Seeing Brother Wang's expression is very anxious.

"Zixu, I'm sorry, I didn't like Swift, the child is gone."

"What did you say?"

Lu Sihui, who got out of the car after him, hurried over when he heard Wang Guoqiang's words.

It had only been two hours since she and Zixu left, why did the child disappear?

"I'm sorry, I went to the pharmacy to get the medicine. Swift was playing in the house at that time. At that time, Old Wu and the others were still there. When I left, I told Swift that when I went back, I didn't see the child. I asked Old Wu and they said yes. Swift needs to go to the bathroom, but my wife wasn't there at that time, you say."

Wang Guoqiang rubbed his hands anxiously. His daughter-in-law was not in good health. After his father came to visit Mingyuan, he asked her to follow the car back first. It turned out that Mingyuan was going to go home with Zixu after the IV.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Swift was lost.

"Brother Wang, don't worry, you go back and look at Mingyuan first, and we will look for it."

Zhou Zixu patted Wang Guoqiang on the shoulder. He was already very tired, and he couldn't be blamed for this.

Maybe the girl just got lost in the hospital, she wouldn't just run around by herself.

"Old Wu and his wife are here, I'll look for them with you."

Wang Guoqiang was so guilty that when Zixu left, he specifically asked him to help look after Swift, because he had lost the child.

"it is good."

Zhou Zixu was also anxious at the moment, his daughter was only four years old, if she fell from upstairs, it would be scary to think about it.

"You look for it in the hospital, I'll go and look around the hospital."

Lu Sihui was also anxious, she could only enter the space capsule if she was out of their sight.

"Sihui, Brother Wang and I are going out, you can look for it in the hospital."

(End of this chapter)

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