Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1668 Swift is lost

Chapter 1668 Swift is lost
Zhou Zixu stopped his daughter-in-law, it was freezing cold, Sihui was just recovering from a serious illness, he still didn't want her to run around too much.

"Okay, hurry up!"

Lu Sihui agreed and walked towards the hospital.

The hospital is a building, and the most fearful thing is that my daughter will fall from the upstairs. Even if she runs out, it is not safe. There are so many cars on the street.
Therefore, she was in a hurry and had to dispatch the robot as soon as possible.

"Brother Wang, you look around the hospital, I'll go to the street to have a look."

Zhou Zixu didn't show that much anxiety in front of Sihui, but when she left, he couldn't hold back anymore, so he made a hasty assignment and drove to the city to find his daughter.

After returning to the hospital, Lu Sihui went to the bathroom first, entered the space capsule and gave orders to the robot.

The robot sent out two unmanned aircraft, and Lu Sihui asked the robot to turn on the video and looked inside and outside the hospital, but found no sign of Swift.

It proved that she was not in the hospital, and asked the robot to scan around the hospital, but no sign of Swift was found.

Her mouth was bubbling and her throat was smoking. She regretted putting Swift in the hospital and hated herself for being an irresponsible mother.

After leaving the space capsule, she looked for the street. The street was crowded with people, and she was afraid that someone would fish in troubled waters and take the child away.

It was more troublesome to find it that way, as she searched along the crowd, she called Swift's name from time to time, her head buzzing.

She has always been calm and reserved, but when it comes to her own children, she can no longer be calm, and she is just as upset.

Zhou Zixu drove halfway, and there were too many people, so he had to get out of the car to look for it.

"Swift, Swift"

Exercising his dantian energy and showing his loud voice, he shouted his daughter's name loudly, his heart seemed to be on fire, why was he so careless, why didn't he lead the child?

If the child is really lost, he will never forgive himself in his life.

He even thought about it, and if it didn't work, he had to call his father and mobilize the unit to help find it.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and Swift is not here, so what year is it?

Captain Wu was chatting with his wife in the ward, and Ming Yuan frowned at them.

He wanted to find Swift, but the two of them looked at him so hard that it was difficult for him to move forward.

"Uncle, why don't you help find Swift?"

He couldn't help begging them, Captain Wu's daughter-in-law rolled her eyes at him, curled her lips and said, "No, I don't have time to spare."

She was overjoyed, and it would be better if Swift was carried away. See if she, Lu Sihui, is still crazy?

"Mingyuan, it's not that uncle refuses to look for her. When your father left, you were entrusted to us. We must take care of you as a matter of loyalty."

Captain Wu could speak better than his wife, looked at Mingyuan in embarrassment, and blamed everything on his father.

"Father, go find Swift! I'm looking at Mingyuan."

Xiaoqiang is also anxious, he wants to play with Swift, he likes her, so he also helps to intercede.

"That won't work, who can you take care of as a child?"

Captain Wu glared at his son and vetoed it.

Mingyuan stopped discussing with him, and jumped out of bed by himself to get the padded jacket.

"what are you doing?"

Captain Wu hurried over to hold him back, his task was to look at Mingyuan, if he really lost him, he couldn't afford to leave.

"I'm going to find Swift."

Mingyuan's face was dark, he put on his padded jacket and ignored them,

"No, you have a head injury, so you can't go out."

Captain Wu grabbed Mingyuan and refused to let him go, you brat, you're just looking for trouble for him.

"You let go."

Wang Mingyuan struggled hard, but with his strength, he couldn't open Captain Wu's hand.

Turning his eyes, he thought of a good way.

(End of this chapter)

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